For all women who have lost their jobs during this pandemic, Black women and Latinas who perform the bulk of essential work during lockdown, for all Black and Brown elders who have lost their lives, capitalism is their preexisting condition.
A deep dig into the literature on white supremacy shows how even such salient insurgent movements for social justice and racial equality as Black Lives Matter can be transmuted by corporate manipulation into instruments of ruling class stability.
“Fanning the flames of racial animosity lies at the core of Trump’s election strategy, as it did in 2016.” This is why when activists say, “white supremacy is on the ballot” and “anti-Black racism is on the ballot” in 2020, they are dead right.
This episode of Black-ish, which, if it had come out when it was supposed to, would have been a time capsule of where we were as a nation a year into Trump’s presidency.
The Washington Supreme Court is currently deliberating a case that could have major economic effects for our most vulnerable workers while beginning to unravel one long-standing piece of our nation’s white supremacist history.
The more U.S. movements are infused with internationalism, the more we contribute to getting Washington’s bloody hands out of other countries. That bolsters the capacity of people in other lands to improve their lives and fight our common enemy.
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