Tidbits - Oct. 15, 2020 - Reader Comments: Right-Wing Plots - Kidnap Governors, Voter Suppression, Supreme Court; 2020 Elections; Learning from History - Nonviolence, Self-Defense and Provocateurs; 50-50 All Souls to the Polls Concert This Weekend; more
Re: Armed Right-wing Militia Hatched a Plot to Kidnap the Governor of Michigan and Violently Overthrow the State Government, FBI Says (Lee Zaslofsky; Joe Strange)
Re: Murder, He Said - America’s Maestro of Death and Destruction (Ken Roseman)
Just Axin' -- cartoon by Mike Luckovich
Fly on Pence's Head
Re: Voting Rights Advocates Demand Officials Do More to Stop Voter Intimidation (Sherri Watson; Terry Lockridge; Yvon Jardon; Timothy Murray)
You Again?
Re: Will Militias Heed Trump's Call to Watch the Polls? (Lin Tangora Tyler; Hector Burgos; Dottie Sellick)
Re: Trump’s Minnesota Visit had Him Acting Like a Proud Boy (Robert Bischoff)
Judging Judge Barrett -- cartoon by Dan Wasserman
Re: US Labor Unions File UN Complaint Accusing Trump Administration of 'Outrageous' Violations of Workers' Rights Amid Pandemic (Enrique Collazo; Karl's Garden: Ecosocialism; Ruby Melland)
Re: Labor Unions, Environmental Groups Sue Feds Over Lack of PPE (Patricia Dowling)
Re: The 2020 Elections and the Cruel and Complex History of Native American Citizenship (Jim Bruns; John M. Verteramo; Joslyn Moses; Enrique Caro; Lucinda Farrokh)
Re: Nonviolence, Self-Defense and Provocateurs (Stan Nadel; Carl Davidson; William Minter; Kelvin A. Santiago-Valles; Michael Laser; Aaron Ruby)
Re: The Socialist Moment, and How to Extend It (George Lessard; Annie Kowal)
Re: Save the Equal Rights Amendment (James H. Williams)
Re: Bob Murray, Who Fought Against Black Lung Regulations As A Coal Operator, Has Filed For Black Lung Benefits (Robert Maldonado; Mike Horner; Matthew Anglin)
Re: Ballad of an American (Ronald Susman)
Re: The International Brigades: Fighting Fascism in Spain (Jeff Bland)
Re: The Revolutionary Beethoven (Pete Howard; Kenneth Brymer)
Stop Forced Sterilization / ¡Alto A Esterilizacion Forzada! — Poster of the Week (Center for the Study of Political Graphics)
New Report! UFCW LGBTQ+ Worker Experiences (UCLA Labor Center)
The 50-50 All Souls to the Polls Concert is This Weekend - October 17 and 18
FIGHTING TO PROTECT THE RESULTS OF THE 2020 ELECTION (Protect the Results - Indivisible and Stand Up America)
Film Screening and Panel: Betrayal: When the Government Took Over the Teamsters Union - Now thru October 18 (Workers Unite Film Festival)
What Comes Next? - October 19 Webinar on Beating Trump & Protecting the Results (Seed the Vote and Generation Rising)
Women Workers Organizing for Labor Standards: From Protest to Policy - October 22 (Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies)
Film Showing - Into the Fire: American Women in the Spanish Civil War - November 15 (Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives)
Throw the book at them!
They're right wing extremists. They are the misconceived products of Trumpism and bad old American racism.
Lee Zaslofsky
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
That's terrorism, so they must be tried as terrorists and imprisoned permanently in a federal prison, life in the dumb lane
Joe Strange
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Re: Murder, He Said - America’s Maestro of Death and Destruction
"45" and his gang of accomplices and enablers are guilty of attempted manslaughter and ecocide. they do not care about their fellow human beings, or the other living things with which we share this planet. Every member of this vile "administration" belongs in prison. For life. No parole.
Ken Roseman
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Just Axin' -- cartoon by Mike Luckovich
Mike Luckovich
October 14, 2020
Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Re: Voting Rights Advocates Demand Officials Do More to Stop Voter Intimidation
Funny how they say they are the party for the Constitution, but want to stop people from voting. So sick of trump's rep, party.. they all need to go!
Sherri Watson
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
If someone attempts to interfere in any way, they should be arrested for domestic terrorism. Our vote is that important.
Terry Lockridge
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Thugs being encouraged by the thug in chief...how a crook is allowed to destroy our country for his own benefit and Congress is mum!
He needs to be impeached one more time! He's a clear and present danger to our democracy and our way of life!
Yvon Jardon
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Domestic terrorists supporting and supported by Trump. I was told in the Army, America doesn't negotiate with terrorists, but Trump does.
Timothy Murray
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Re: Will Militias Heed Trump's Call to Watch the Polls?
Militias are illegal in all 50 states!
Lin Tangora Tyler
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Of Course they will. They know Law enforcement authorities not all, are on their side and will look the other way. Trump is desperate. Knows if he looses he is toast. U. S. Government can prosecute him for Tax. evasion and other corrupt practices. Owes millions, with no money to pay those loans to bad actors in the world stage. Russians, Turks, Saudis. Deutsche Bank. Dangerous thugs. Desperate men do desperate things.This dangerous call for his minions of hate to intimidate voters could lead to serious violent clashes where innocent people may die. The Orange one does not care. Hopefully the F.B.I. can intervene and guarantee a fair election. William Barr is the leader of those trying to tilt the election towards the orange one. Democracy is at stake. You may have to fight to defend it. Good Luck and God Bless.
Hector Burgos
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
They are dropping this at homes with Biden signs
Dottie Sellick
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Re: Trump’s Minnesota Visit had Him Acting Like a Proud Boy
We could look away, and chalk Trump’s continued attacks on Minnesota’s refugee community up to little more than a campaign shtick designed to rile up his base of supporters.
But that would be a terrible mistake. In the hours after Trump’s rally, when he had long since departed for the taxpayer-funded confines of the White House, numerous attacks against women and the media were reported in Minnesota.
Robert Bischoff
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Judging Judge Barrett -- cartoon by Dan Wasserman
Dan Wasserman
October 13, 2020
The Boston Globe
They should go further and ask the UN to send observers to the workplaces, protests and elections
Enrique Collazo
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
#Covid19 "has demonstrated that not only is the U.S. violating workers' rights, but those violations are resulting in people dying."
Karl's Garden: Ecosocialism
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
I've said many times Den Haag, Netherlands needs to prosecute Donald J. Trump for Cruelty against Humanity. Negligence of Pandemic. Cruelty of laborers hardships for citizens.
Ruby Melland
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Re: Labor Unions, Environmental Groups Sue Feds Over Lack of PPE
(posting on Portside Labor)
Trump gutted OSHA - and it wasn’t operating at 100% effectiveness even before the bloodshed.
The thing is - spikes in death from Coronavirus tracks almost exactly with rises from complaints to OSHA....
“Unions representing healthcare workers, teachers, transit operators and millions more joined the environmental groups to sue the feds over their failure to provide adequate reusable respirators, N95 masks, gloves and other personal protective equipment (PPE) to essential workers amid the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Patricia Dowling
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Re: The 2020 Elections and the Cruel and Complex History of Native American Citizenship
Native Americans have ALWAYS gotten the short end. Way past time for change.
Jim Bruns
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
We have such a beautiful past?
John M. Verteramo
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Slade Gordon was the worst. Have you heard they are saying that the tribal Indian card cannot be used as identification to VOTE. North Dakota South Dakota and the Badlands. The Republicans always find away to cheat.
Joslyn Moses
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Why are they still robbing native Americans of their place in our society?
Enrique Caro
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
The treatment of Native Americans by all administrations has been abominable! We must first be realistic about that fact and only then we make change. Voting Trump out is a start, but not nearly enough!
Lucinda Farrokh
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Re: Nonviolence, Self-Defense and Provocateurs
Many thanks to Bruce Hartford for writing this and thanks to Portside for circulating it. Provocateurs are enemies of progress, even or especially when they think they are promoting progressive causes.
Stan Nadel
This is something I also experienced directly in the 1966 long march in Mississippi, including the assault he describes in Canton, my first experience with tear gas. I agree with this wholeheartedly, and urge its study far and wide. We are going to need it in the days and weeks ahead. Read and pass it forward.
Carl Davidson
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
A very clear statement, based on hard-won experience in the 1960s and 1970s: "I've been thinking about self-defense, agent provocateurs, nonviolence, and the hard lessons we learned in the 1960s and then the '70s.
Today our democracy is under imminent threat. We must defeat Trump/Republicans at the polls on election day and if they refuse to honor the will of the voters we must use every effective tactic at our disposal to block their coup. Inevitably that will have to include massive street protests. But provocateurs and the negative effect they have on public opinion aid Trump, divert attention from the issue, and weaken the effectiveness of our demonstrations. Moreover, many people who may be willing to risk Covid won't join protests if they fear that provocateurs are going to involve them in violence, deliberately incite police attacks, or hijack the demonstration for their own purposes."
William Minter
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
‘In real life, "leaderlessness" simply allows the loudest voices, the most charismatic, the most manipulative, and the most threatening, to dominate and intimidate everyone else — with no accountability at all.’
Kelvin A. Santiago-Valles
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
A really interesting article that sheds light on what works and what doesn't work when protesting - and what we need to beware of.
Michael Laser
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
This article is the single best explanation of the strategic and tactical approach to building a mass movement and the issues of self defense. It ought to be made into a pamphlet and handed out at the current demonstrations.
The current movement against police brutality and racism has largely been destroyed by middle-class provocateurs and baiters. That isn't necessarily permanent by any means, and further outrages by killer cops may bring working people back out into the streets and sweep aside the rotten misleadership that is currently occupying the vacuum.
In the meantime this article should be widely circulated.
Aaron Ruby
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Re: The Socialist Moment, and How to Extend It
“… An analyst of socialism's return writes as an advocate for its necessity, with particularly shrewd assessments of how the new American socialism can advance, and, alternatively, how it may marginalize itself into irrelevance.…”
George Lessard
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Whatever label you put on him, I like him & he's for the people!!
Annie Kowal
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Re: Save the Equal Rights Amendment
James H. Williams
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
(posting on Portside Labor)
KARMA.... it never fails...comes to bite your heels..
Robert Maldonado
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Among America's worst corporate entities. Mass murder of miners. destruction of the environment as a career, his moral and intellectual failures are on a level with Trump, and Putin. Black lung disease is too good for him, and he is still fabulously wealthy, as he now takes from his former victims, who deserve support. He deserves prison, not assistance.
Mike Horner
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Matthew Anglin
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
(posting on Portside Culture)
Ballad of An American looks back at Robeson’s fight against fascism in the 1930s and 1940s and his later support for civil rights struggle in the United States. It is especially relevant today, as the country’s democracy is threatened by the possible re-election of President Donald Trump who counts on the support of millions of voters with white supremacist values and authoritarian political leanings.
With beautiful illustrations and a conversational tone, this biography paints an intimate portrait of Robeson, the son of a slave, who became a leading voice in the black liberation struggle in the United States and the fight against colonial rule around the world.
As world-class actor and singer, Robeson enjoyed the widespread admiration of millions. It was a level of fame that often gives artists the moral stature to be influential social critics.
Ronald Susman
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Re: The International Brigades: Fighting Fascism in Spain
(posting on Portside Culture)
Anyone that questions anti fascism should read this piece.
Jeff Bland
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Re: The Revolutionary Beethoven
Still shakes me up
Pete Howard
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
The Fifth Symphony deserves every bit of its popularity and longevity. It's a marvel of inspiration and concision, a miracle of expression and economy, a masterpiece of musical narrative.
Kenneth Brymer
Posted on Portside's Facebook page

People's Press
Offset, Circa 1974
San Francisco, CA
As news coverage focuses on Donald Trump as a super-spreader of both Covid-19 and domestic terrorism, the spotlight has moved away from another form of domestic terrorism: the sterilization of immigrant women without their consent. Dawn Wooten, a nurse working at an ICE detention center in Georgia, filed a whistle-blower complaint against the agency in September, alleging that unnecessary hysterectomies were being performed on immigrants in custody.
Forced sterilization has a long and ugly history in this country. Black, indigenous, women of color, the poor, the incarcerated, and many others were subjected to forced sterilizations for decades, usually with the full support of local and federal government. As many as 70,000 women were forcibly sterilized during the 20th century in this country. But it didn’t end. According to a new documentary, “Belly of the Beast,” California state prisons performed nearly 1,400 sterilizations between 1997 and 2013. It is unconscionable that in 2020 women must continue to fight and call out government institutions against these barbaric practices.
Full Poster Text:
Stop Forced Sterilization ¡Alto A Esterilizacion Forzada!
En Puerto Rico, 1/3 de las mujeres menores de 35 anos-esterilizadas. En los E.U. 20% de las mujeres negras casadas-esterilizadas. En India, la ley manda que se esterilizen hombres y mujeres. El problema no es que hay demasiada gente; seres humanos son nuestro recurso mas preciado. Sin Embargo, billiones de dolares de los EU se gastan para el control de la populacion, al mismo tiempo que se disminuyen los fondos para comida, atencion medica y guarderias infantiles. El imperialismo de los EU es el problema: saquea los terrenos; destruye los recursos de la tierra; roba y destruye las vidas de la gente para sus intereses lucrativos. Resistencia!
In Puerto Rico, 1/3 of the women of child-bearing age--sterilized. In the U.S., 20% of Black married women-sterilized. In India, men and women sterilized by law. Too many people is not the problem; people are our most precious resource. Yet billions of U.S. dollars are spent on population control while funds are cut for food, health care and child care. U.S. Imperialism is the problem. It steals the land; tears resources from the earth; robs and destroys the lives of the people for profit. Resist!!!
- Inquiry Ordered Into Claims Immigrants Had Unwanted Gynecology Procedures
- The Forgotten Lessons of the American Eugenics Movement
- ICE, A Whistleblower And Forced Sterilization
- PBS Documentary: No Más Bebés/No More Babies
- Belly of the Beast: California's dark history of forced sterilizations
Center for the Study of Political Graphics
3916 Sepulveda Blvd, Suite 103
Culver City, CA 90230
New Report! UFCW LGBTQ+ Worker Experiences (UCLA Labor Center)
*** use email
UCLA Labor Center
675 S. Park View Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90057
The 50-50 All Souls to the Polls Concert is This Weekend - October 17 and 18
50-50 All Souls to the Polls
Concert and Happening !
Saturday October 17
and Sunday October 18
at 7pm CST
for your time zone please click here
The event is free so there is no barrier to participate but a $25 donation or more is encouraged and we ask that you register
The program will be ASL signed and closed-captioned.
During the event, drop in links in chat and comments will provide additional resources for activism the event will only be broadcast once during these two days. this is an exclusive program created for this moment
We prefer Twitch tv as the better audio and visual platform and suggest that you sign up and test your link ahead of the show -Twitch also works on smart tv's and is an app. Set your language on Twitch for auto translation in the closed captioning
Facebook and You Tube will also present the stream
The stream will run through the night so that times zones outside the US can also watch
Due to the limits of the production staff, questions and trouble shooting for the event can be responded to up until two hours before showtime
A personal note from HotHouse founder Marguerite Horberg:
Friends, I have joined forces with an amazing team of arts presenters to do everything we can to win this November.
As we worked to create 50-50 All Souls to the Polls and this extraordinary event, we heard from people exclaim, " I can't participate because I don't believe in elections" and "I am happy that Trump won so we can finally see the contradictions of the US system exposed for all its hypocrisies"
The events of the last 4 years have demonstrated conclusively that another Trump term is something that our planet cannot sustain and that we must do everything we can to stem the rising tide of fascism worldwide.
As a life-long social justice advocate usually at this time of year I would be spending the months ahead of the election, canvassing, post-card writing, phone banking, donating and and otherwise spending the election season out in the crucial battleground places where I am told to go.
This season, our group has put our time into the cultural arena for two important reasons. One -we see the divide in this country as having much to do with cultural illiteracy. The correlation between the fascist ascendancy and the areas in this country without alternative media to counter right-wing propaganda is known. And two, the debilitating mis-management of the pandemic has been catastrophic to the broad arts industry where we have long worked.
For mostly these reasons, we have come together to build a very important event that galvanizes the impact of the moment.
We have created a truly unprecedented event with voices from every part of this country. Most of the artists have donated their performance and the production has been created largely out of donated labor.
The purpose is to not only emphasize the 'new american song book", exploring arts expression from across the land, but to RAISE MONEY for the essential work frontline activists are engaged in to protect the vote, get out the vote, and engage in any legal fights that might ensue.
Our project is aligned with two great 501c4 organizations
The MOVEMENT VOTER PROJECT AND THE PROGRESSIVE LEADERSHIP INITIATIVE. WE ASK THAT YOU MAKE A DONATION TO THEM TODAY AND DURING THE SHOW so that they are robustly funded to meet and overcome the dirty tricks and negativity confronting us.
We are putting the final edits together on the show but so far we have more than 60 individual messages of positive encouragement to VOTE
You will see in the list below just how broad and exciting this event truly is, and how many genres, traditions, creative inspirations and soulful considerations have come together to build this unity project.
As we reach the final few days before showtime we wanted to send you this note with all the links and info so you can plan your watch party with us and help spread the word.
First Nations Jessa Calderon Lyla June, Tanaya Winder; Arizona Linda Ronstadt, Orkesta Mendoza; California Danny Glover, Edward James Olmos, Los Lobos, Raq Filipina, Meklit Hedero, and Fantastic Negrito; Colorado Trace Bundy; Delaware TAHIRA; District of Columbia (Washington D.C.) Jennifer Saran; Florida Morikeba Kouyate,John Daversa Quintet with Sammy Figueroa Dafnis Prieto, Carlo De Rosa, and Gonzalo Rubalcaba; Hawaii George Kahumoku; Iowa Greg Brown with Bo Ramsey; Illinois Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, Valerie Jarrett, Bea Lumpkin, Funkadesi, Isaiah Collier and the Chosen Few; Kansas Stan Herd with Jessica Paige; Ohio Jenna Fournier; Louisiana Dirk Powell with Rainy Eyes; Maine Dennis Carter and Anneli Carter-Sundqvist; Massachusetts Twisted Pine; Michigan: Regina Carter, Thornetta Davis and Congressman Dan Kildee; Minnesota Douglas Ewart; Missouri Making Movies; Nevada John Toles-Bey; New Jersey Jason Kao Hwang; New Mexico Rob Martinez, Ivon Ulibarri/Cafe Mocha; New York Amy Goodman, Arturo O'Farrill, Eleanor Reissa & Frank London andthem/they/us; Pennsylvania Aisha Fukashima; Puerto Rico Plena Libre; Rhode Island Allysen Callery; South Carolina Ranky Tanky; Tennessee Rev. Sekou; Texas Clemente Castillo, Beto O'Rourke; Washington Paoli Mejias; Wisconsin Paul Cebar; & Wyoming Taylor Scott Band. Hosts Medea Benjamin, Chelis Lopez, Davey D., Gabe Romero and Shoshonna Stern
a feature of the event, in addition to the above, will be participation by a range of powerful voices from around the world who joined us to exclaim what the US election means to them
We have set up a WEBSITE where all the social media links are posted. We have designed it to make it super simple. Just click on the "share" right in the image and it will post automatically
Encourage people to TUNE IN to TWITCH TV GOTV our primary channel to watch the show.
- For How to have a Watch Party please visit the website linked below and we have posted an easy 3 step tutorial there
ON our FACEBOOK PAGE we have created an ALBUM with all of the Tiles of all the Participants - The link is HERE - Anyone can post and share the event
Feel free to be an event ambassador and spread the word on your social media !
We are building a coalition of voters ready to mobilize if Donald Trump refuses to accept the results of the 2020 presidential election
Throughout American history, when a president has lost re-election, he has always stepped down willingly. Accepting the will of the people, and allowing a peaceful transition of power, is a hallmark of American democracy.
But today, Trump routinely ignores democratic norms and continues to chip away at democratic institutions. In 2016, Trump repeatedly threatened not to accept the election results, and Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen has warned Congress that “given my experience working for Mr. Trump, I fear that if he loses the election in 2020, there will never be a peaceful transition of power.” Most recently, Trump even threatened to “deploy the United States military” against the American people to quash peaceful protests. There is no line he won’t cross.
With COVID-19 poised to wreak havoc for months to come, the threat to our democracy is particularly acute. As Congress works to expand mail-in voting and in-person early voting, we must prevent Trump from using this moment to sow discord, confusion, and doubt on the November election results.
We cannot ignore the threat that Trump poses to our democracy and a peaceful transition. We will stand together to ensure that if Trump loses the 2020 presidential election he will not throw our country into a constitutional crisis. We will honor the valid results of the 2020 election, ensure that every vote is counted, and show up to demand that the losing candidate put their ego aside and concede for the good of our country.
Protect the Results is a joint project of Indivisible and Stand Up America to protect the valid results of the 2020 election.
Indivisible and Stand Up America are committed to strengthening our democracy and supporting progressives and progressive causes. All Americans—Democrats, Republicans, and Independents—must be prepared to protect and defend the valid results of the election whether their preferred candidate wins or loses.
If Trump loses, he must accept those results. Our democracy depends on it.
Protect the Results has a growing coalition of partners committed to upholding the rule of law and safeguarding the final, legitimate results of the 2020 election. In the event that Donald Trump loses the election and refuses to concede, the Protect the Results partner network will activate their members and take coordinated action to protect our democracy.
Joining our partner network means that your organization is responsible for recruiting Americans who are ready to take action, creating press and awareness opportunities for Protect the Results, and helping prepare for a potential post-election crisis. Partners are encouraged to openly exchange ideas, articles, and information to help plan and prepare in case we have to activate the Protect the Results network.
If you are interested in joining the Protect the Results coalition, please fill out this Google Form with contact information for your organization’s press, digital, and political/partnerships contacts. Please be sure to upload a transparent, PNG file logo for your organization. Filling out the Google Form does not guarantee that we will be able to take you on as a partner. Someone from Indivisible or Stand Up America will be in touch within 3 business days of your submission.
Please contact partnership@standupamerica.com with any partnership-related questions.
Now through October 18, the online Workers Unite Film Festival screens a provocative new labor documentary, Betrayal: When the Government Took Over the Teamsters Union. The film raises important questions about worker representation, organized crime, and the US government's commitments to fighting union corruption and promoting union democracy. Buy a ticket and watch here for $7.50.
This Saturday, Oct. 17th@2 pm, Dan Graff, Director of the Higgins Labor Program at the University of Notre Dame, will moderate a Zoom panel with filmmaker George Bogdanich, Ed Ott (Distinguished Lecturer in Labor Studies at CUNY's Joseph S. Murphy Institute and former head of the NYC Central Labor Council), and Robert McKay (the attorney who filed a lawsuit against the Department of Justice).
The film is being distributed by New Day Films to colleges, unions, and non-profit groups. Visit the film's website here, which includes a trailer, background about the film, and purchasing information.
Monday, October 19th, 5-6pm pacific, 8-9pm eastern.
As we enter the final weeks before the election, join Seed the Vote and Generation Rising to plan for the next two stages: winning the vote and protecting the results. We will assess the dangers we face as well as our strengths, and look at what we should be preparing for both between now and November 3rd, as well as right after the 3rd to ensure we win.
This event will be on Monday, October 19th, 5-6pm pacific, 8-9pm eastern.
This hour-long webinar will be held in English. Live captioning and Spanish interpretation will be available.
Hora: Lunes, 19 de Octubre, 5pm PDT Lugar: Evento Virtual (Únete desde cualquier lugar)
Sobre este evento:
A medida que nos acercamos al día de la elección, únete con Seed the Vote y Generation Rising para hacer un plan para las próximas dos etapas: ganar el voto y proteger los resultados. Evaluaremos los peligros que enfrentamos así como nuestros puntos fuertes, y discutiremos cómo prepararnos para ambos de aquí al 3 de Noviembre, así como después de la elección para asegurar que ganemos.
Este evento tomará lugar el Lunes, 19 de Octubre, de 5 a 6 (hora del Pacífico), 8-9pm (hora del Este)
"Women Workers Organizing for Labor Standards: From Protest to Policy," Eileen Boris with Dana Barnett, Senator Karen Keiser, and Kasi Marita Perreira
Thursday, Oct. 22, 2020, 6 – 7:15 p.m.
Streaming on-line via Zoom. Register for link.
Eileen Boris reflects on her recent book Making the Woman Worker: Precarious Labor and the Fight for Global Standards 1919-2019 (Oxford University Press, 2019), followed by remarks from policy makers and labor leaders who focus on women's economic security, labor standards, and workplace equity in Washington State.
The book considers how the International Labor Organization (ILO) has made and re-made the woman worker through their creation of global labor standards and the concurrent categorization of what does, and doesn’t, constitute standardized protected work. Women’s work and feminized labor are foregrounded in an analysis of how these definitions have been debated, drawn and challenged particularly as work that has often been rendered precarious by lying outside of accepted categories. The story Boris tells is how the ILO went from an organization focused on improving the working conditions for men in industrial western economies - to the exclusion and restriction of women’s labor - to transform into today’s more equitable institution that advocates for non-discrimination, equal treatment, fair globalization and decent work for women all over the world .
Eileen Boris, is the Hull Professor and Distinguished Professor of Feminist Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara. She also served as past President of the International Federation for Research in Women’s History.
Dana Barnett (Seattle Organizer, Hand in Hand: The Domestic Employers Network; Co-Chair, City of Seattle’s Domestic Workers Standards Board)
Senator Karen Keiser (represents Washington state’s 33rd Legislative District. Chair of the Senate Labor and Commerce Committee; Member, Senate Health and Long Term Care Committee, Rules, Ways and Means Committee)
Kasi Marita Perreira (Director of Racial and Gender Justice, Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO)
EVENT SPONSORS Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies and the Engaging Care Project
Sunday, November 15 * 5:00 EDT/2:00 PDT
Panel discussion: “Into the Fire: American Women in the Spanish Civil War”
View this riveting documentary, then join ALBA for the Q & A to follow. The panel will include Julia Newman, the film’s director and ALBA board member.
A film by Julia Newman
Spain, 1936: right-wing military officers led by General Franco (and supported by Hitler and Mussolini) attempt to overthrow the newly elected, democratic government. In response, nearly 80 American women joined the Good Fight- volunteering, in defiance of the US government, to help fight the Fascists in what would become the Spanish Civil War.
In this enthralling, meticulously researched documentary, 16 of these brave and idealistic nurses, writers and journalists share stories of courage and commitment to a just cause. Weaving archival materials with words from the likes of Dorothy Parker and Eleanor Roosevelt, “their heroism leaves Hemingway’s romantic notions of this war in the dust” (from High Falls Film Festival).
Spread the word