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The Return of the Strike

Steven Greenhouse The American Prospect
This year, thousands of teachers, hotel workers, Google employees, and others walked off the job and won major gains. Which raises two questions: Why now? And will this continue?

More Secure Jobs, Bigger Paychecks

Steven Greenhouse Columbia Journalism Review
What’s driving the new wave of unionization sweeping digital newsrooms? The reasons for unionizing haven’t changed much in the last 80 years

What To Do When Your Boss Forces You To Read Propaganda On Air

Steven Greenhouse CNN
Sinclair's order was in many ways making working conditions intolerable for these anchors. In the United States, when employers make conditions unbearable or unpleasant, there has long been an option that workers can pursue: form a union and seek protections through a union contract.

'Some Kids Are Not Orphans Because Of This': How Unions Are Keeping Workers Safe

Steven Greenhouse The Guardian
As labor unions across much of the world struggle to increase their membership, how do workers get their employers to raise wages and assure safe conditions? That’s the question some of the world’s most innovative worker groups are asking. And they’re hopeful they have found a solution.

'Some Kids Are Not Orphans Because Of This': How Unions Are Keeping Workers Safe

Steven Greenhouse The Guardian
As labor unions across much of the world struggle to increase their membership, how do workers get their employers to raise wages and assure safe conditions? That’s the question some of the world’s most innovative worker groups are asking. And they’re hopeful they have found a solution.

Big, Brash and Bent on Change; Chief of Local Sees Corruption in City Workers' Union

Steven Greenhouse New York Times
Mark Rosenthal died July 15, 2017. He was a rank and file trade unionist who helped change the face of the New York City labor movement in the late 1990's and beyond. He was a founding member of the Committee for Real Change in DC 37, AFSCME and President of Local 983. Steven Greenhouse's article in The New York Times in 1998 is the best obituary Mark could have.

Big, Brash and Bent on Change; Chief of Local Sees Corruption in City Workers' Union

Steven Greenhouse New York Times
Mark Rosenthal died July 15, 2017. He was a rank and file trade unionist who helped change the face of the New York City labor movement in the late 1990's and beyond. He was a founding member of the Committee for real Change in DC 37, AFSCME and former Local 983 President. Steven Greenhouse's article in The New York Times September 30, 1998 is a fitting tribute to Mark Rosenthal