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How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size

Gretchen Morgenson New York Times
Huge banks must be restructured and their access to the safety net scaled back, Mr. Fisher said, because neither regulators nor market participants have proved effective in monitoring risks at these institutions.

What Obama’s Gun Plan Means For Mental Health Care

Seth Freed Wessler ColorLines
The consequences for the mentally ill of the gun control push are not yet fully clear, as the full content of the president’s executive actions have yet to be released. And advocates will watch closely as congressional deliberations unfold over the vast parts of gun control that the president can’t do alone. But for now, it appears things are moving forward with some distance between proactive plans to improve mental health care and those to prevent mass murder.

Leprosy Reprograms Body's Cells

Gisela Telis Science NOW
A new study in mice suggests that Leprosy employs a bit of biological trickery to do its damage: It reprograms certain nerve cells to become like stem cells and uses them to infiltrate the body's muscle and nervous systems.

Introducing Portside 2.0

The new Portside: better communication, a more usable web site, hyperlinked text, photos, brighter pages, better typography and formatting, integration with Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

Why Has Obama Pardoned So Few Prisoners?

Sasha Abramsky The Nation
Cases like that of Weldon Angelos, who was given a fifty-five-year sentence for selling marijuana, cry out for mercy. But calls for clemency have fallen on deaf ears...So why hasn't Obama done the right thing? Could it be that Angelos has just gotten lost in the shuffle? Possibly-but if that's the reason, there would be evidence that Obama has used his pardon and commutation powers wisely in other cases. Unfortunately, that's not true.

New York City Labor Chorus Gets Better with Age

Tina Susman Los Angeles Times
Just how long the songs will go on is anyone's guess. One person who isn't worried is Ballard, Chorus director, who credits Occupy Wall Street with raising awareness of labor issues."Very few young people would stop and listen to us, but now they do," said Ballard, who's confident that interest will spur a new generation to sing. "They'll be the next people who carry the torch."

The Hero Teachers of Newtown - Teachers Are First Responders

Diane Ravitch and Deborah Dunton Diane Ravitch's Blog and Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
This much is clear: the teachers and staff at the Sandy Hook Elementary School reacted with astonishing courage to the unthinkable, the terrifying intrusion of a man intent on murdering them and their students. With no thought of their own safety, they defended their children. Everyone of them is a hero, those who died and those who survived....All at Sandy Hook Elementary School displayed courage. They did their jobs.

The NRA's Wayne LaPierre Has the Blood of Connecticut Students on His Hands

Peter Dreier Portside
The majority of Americans favor strict gun control laws. No, let's not burden Americans with collective guilt. The problem is more narrow - and more fixable - than that...The long list of killings is due in large measure to the political influence of the NRA - and the campaign finance system that allows the gun lobby to exercise so much power.

Help Obama Find His Shoes

Amy Dean In These Times
Progressives need to pressure Obama to stick up for workers as promised..."As Obama begins his second term, Republican obstructionism cannot be an excuse for inaction - particularly when it comes to the president's use of his bully pulpit."

Climate Change Denier Likely to Lead Congressional Science Committee

Christine Gorman Scientific American
Republican Party leaders in the House of Representatives will decide whether Representatives Lamar Smith of Texas, James Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin or Dana Rohrabacher of California will succeed Ralph Hall, also of Texas, as chair of the House Committee. Because of term limits, Hall cannot continue heading the group, which has jurisdiction over energy research...What follows is just a sample of the three would-be chairmen's public statements on climate change: