The concentration of wealth in America has reached levels that make the gilt of the 19th century Gilded Age look like dross. There’s sound economic and social sense in taxing the hell out of excessive incomes and excessive wealth.
Ari Melber Interview With Four Key Mueller Witnesses. Redemption (feat Jessie Davis) – Baba Brinkman Music Video. Get Me Roger Stone | Movie Trailer. Bernie Sanders on the End of the Government Shutdown. P vs. NP and the Computational Complexity Zoo.
The day after King's death, longshoremen shut down the ports of San Francisco and Oakland, as they still do when one of their own dies on the job. Nine ILWU members attended King’s funeral in Atlanta, including Harry Bridges and Cleophas Williams.
Reader Comments: Time for Federal Workers to Get Sick; LA Teachers Win!; Dr. King's Radical Internationalism; Attacks on the Women’s March; JVP - On Zionism; Time to Break the Silence on Palestine; Angela Davis Supported; Bernie Sanders; and more...
During the the famous series of battles around Cuito Canavale in Southern Angola in 1987-8, Wiseman, with his ability to monitor the South African communications, worked as a radio operator with the Cuban and Angolan forces defending the city.
Its goal is to remake our economic system — and the Democratic Party. Since the 2016 election, the left’s political and cultural influence has ballooned. Membership in DSA grew exponentially during the first years of the Trump administration.
Starting the process will rein in a president who is undermining American ideals—and bring the debate about his fitness for office into Congress, where it belongs. The Atlantic is the first major publication to call for Trump's impeachment.
Sara Nelson
Association of Flight Attendants, CWA, AFL-CIO
Sara Nelson, president of the Association of Flight Attendants is calling on "conference activists from across the Labor Movement" to conduct a "general strike to end the government shutdown."
Progressive change can seem like one step forward, two steps back, but People's Action leader James Mumm shows how over time power has been steadily, doggedly gained by organizing out from the center -- amongst the marginalized -- and forward.
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