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A Better Count

Mike Maciag Governing
The 2020 census is plagued by uncertainties. Here's how some places are preparing.

Let’s Talk Bernie 2020

Hamilton Nolan and Bhaskar Sunkara Jacobin
Should Bernie Sanders be the Left’s presidential candidate in 2020? Hamilton Nolan and Bhaskar Sunkara revive the great American tradition of arguing about Bernie online.

Neo-Nazis Are Gaining Power In Ukraine?

Michael Colborne The Bullet
Ukraine’s far-right is like a hydra, with ugly heads that pop-up far too frequently. Just within the last few weeks, an American-born cabinet minister thanked a group of violent neo-Nazi “activists” for their services.

Rosa and Karl - 100th Anniversary

Victor Grossman Portside
But the masses of red flowers for Karl Liebknecht and, even more for Rosa Luxemburg, was higher than I have ever seen them. Both were murdered one hundred years ago.

How to Win Public Support for a Global Carbon Tax

Stefano Carattini, Steffen Kallbekken and Anton Orlo Nature
A Climate Dividend, or People's Payout, is an increasingly popular idea. The left likes it because low-income households are better off. The Citizens’ Climate Lobby champions climate dividends: a bill to deliver it is being consider in the House.

Far Worse Than Watergate

Ryan Goodman Slate
If Donald Trump suborned perjury from Michael Cohen, he’s compromised by Russia.

Friday Nite Videos | January 18, 2019

Is Donald Trump Working for Russia? There Is Nothin' Like a Wall - Randy Rainbow Song Parody. Cardi B & Nancy P Take on Trump. Spoken Word 'Daydreaming.' Shoplifters | Movie Trailer.