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Tidbits - Oct. 25, 2018 - Reader Comments: GOTV Phonebanks, Voter Suppression, 2018 elections; Trump Conspiracy with Saudis; Migrant Caravan; Syria; Marx in Music; Solidarity with Cuba; Announcements - NYC, Berkeley; and more ....

Reader Comments: GOTV Phonebanks for People of Color Voters; Voter Suppression, 2018 elections; Trump Conspiracy with Saudis; Migrant Caravan; Syrian Civil War; Marx in Music; Solidarity with Cuba; Announcements - New York and Berkeley; and more ...

The Americans, the Saudis, and the Israelis: Assassins Without Borders

John Feffer Foreign Policy In Focus
Saudi Arabia's apparent assassination of Jamal Khashoggi might have taken inspiration from Russia and North Korea - or Israel and the United States. State-sponsored assassination is a ruthless gamble. But other countries have gotten away with it.

How the Anti-Trump Resistance Is Organizing Its Outrage

Charlotte Alter Time
If Democrats retake one or both houses of Congress in November, it will be largely because of this emerging national network of progressive organizers. But winning the midterms is just the first step in a movement designed to rebuild and transform.

Global Left Midweek - October 24, 2018

Mexican President-Elect Defends Caravan, Demos in Haiti, Belgian Vote Breaks Green and Left, Korean Women's Movement, People's Power in Uganda, Rising Right Threatens Americas, Euro Parliament: Gysi Speaks

A Humanitarian Exodus

Laura Weiss NACLA Report on the Americas
Mass migration is the result of decades of political, economic and military intervention by the United States and of negligence, coups d’état, insecurity, corruption, and impunity by Central America’s governments.

Puerto Ricans Want a Clean and Just Energy Future

Nithin Coca Equal Times
Private US and global ‘clean energy’ companies coming to the island, pose the danger of "green colonialism." Puerto Rico – dependent on imported fossil fuels and faraway corporations -- needs instead locally produced and controlled renewables.