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The Pact for Mexico after Five Years: How Has It Fared?

Mark Weisbrot, Lara Merling, Rebecca Watts, and Jake Johnston CEPR
Five years after "Pact for Mexico", Mexico's economy is mired in a trap of low investment and low growth and imperiled by liberalization of financial markets making it vulnerable to rate increases by the US Fed and global financial turbulence.

What Did Ancient Whales Look Like?

Nick Pyenson Science Friday
Author and curator Nick Pyenson describes the similarities and differences between humans and our distant mammalian relatives.

The Rich Stalwarts of Liberal Democracy and the Mask They Wear

Pankaj Mishra London Review of Books
The Obama Administration’s UN Ambassador Samantha Power, with Henry Kissinger.
Pankaj Mishra reviews two books on the liberal democratic response to the rule of Trump. While one author aims to beat the right-wing populists at their own game, the other seeks to reinstate socialism as an “ethical ideal and political objective.”

In Defense of Court-Packing

Todd N. Tucker Jacobin
We shouldn't let a handful of reactionary judges get in the way of progressive change. It's time to pack the Supreme Court.