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U.S. refuses to recognise upcoming Venezuelan elections

Zoe PC Monthly Review
US Vice-President Mike Pence, who filled in for Donald Trump, who was engaged in unilaterally ordering missile strikes on Syria, spent the majority of his speech criticizing Cuba, Nicolás Maduro and denouncing the upcoming elections.

Using Technology as a Movement-Building Tool

Rebekah Barber Facing South
"Technology can be used to self-determine as long as we can control it. If it continues to belong to the privileged and powerful, we will always be struggling with it."

Remembering the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

Marcus Barnett Jacobin
On this day in 1943, a band of Jewish resistance fighters launched an armed insurrection against the Nazis. They were proud socialists and internationalists.

Who Is Díaz-Canel, the Next President of Cuba?

Roberto Livi il Manifesto
More Cubans are speaking their minds and frustrated with the status quo. Miguel Díaz-Canel’s job will be to further the continuity of the Revolution while shepherding the reforms approved seven years ago.

Why Teacher Uprisings May Hit Blue States Too

Jeff Bryant Common Dreams
The sad truth is financial austerity that has driven governments at all levels to skimp on education has had plenty of compliance, if not downright support, from centrist Democrats.

Friday Nite Videos | April 20, 2018

A Series of Gunfortunate Events. You Wanna Lie Us Into War (Parody of Don't Come Around Here No More). The Decline of the Trump Merchandise Empire. Marx in Soho. How IBM Quietly Pushed Out 20,000 Older Workers.

The Bayer-Monsanto Merger Is Bad News for the Planet

Ellen Brown The Web of Debt Blog
Bayer and Monsanto have a long history of collusion to poison the ecosystem for profit. The Trump administration should veto their merger not just to protect competitors but to ensure human and planetary survival.