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May Day May Day - Errata!

Peter Olney and Rand Wilson The Stansbury Forum
As organizers we have an obligation to review our prognostications and do some self-criticism when we are way off on our turnout calls. That was the case with our predictions for participation in the 2017 May Day immigrant rights protests.

Democratize This

Michal Rozworski Jacobin
Labour’s plans to pursue democratic models of ownership are the most radical aspect of Corbyn’s program.

Are Demographics Really Destiny for the GOP?

Ronald Brownstein The Atlantic
A new analysis of the 2016 electorate offers warning signs to Republicans, whose base continues to shrink. (There are red lights flashing Democrats' way, too.)

Whole Foods and the Failure of “Conscious Capitalism”

Nicole Aschoff The Guardian
Whole Foods CEO John Mackey, the guru of “conscious capitalism,” has long argued the Whole Foods supermarket chain runs on a business model of creativity and innovation that outsmarts the competitive pressures of capitalism’s for-profit system . But, there is no “fix” to the corporate compulsion to produce more, more cheaply, for more profit. It’s written into capitalism’s DNA. And today the chain is floundering and a potential buyout is on the horizon.

Paris Is Burning

James P Hare Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung
Trump's waffling, then, was not between a pro-climate agenda and an anti-climate one. Rather, the indecision was on the level of strategy on how best to dismantle environmental regulations.

Single-Payer in California Will Save Billions

Patrick McGreevy Los Angeles Times
A legislative analysis had estimated the cost of the proposed system to be $400 billion annually, but a study released by the nurses Wednesday estimates the yearly cost would be $331 billion as of 2017. The estimate was made by the Political Economy Research Institute at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, in a study partly financed by the nurses association.