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Red Cloud, Crazy Horse and a Foreign Policy of Delusion

Conn Hallinan Dispatches from the Edge
The time and place was vastly different, but the men who designed the war against Native Americans would embrace the rationale that currently impels U.S. foreign policy. U.S. exceptionalism, the dangerous delusion that its institutions and its organization of capital are superior, has its roots in the campaigns against Native Americans. While it has fostered many crusades and stupendous violence, it is increasingly unacceptable and unenforceable in a multi-polar world.

Former Koch Agents, Staffing Trump's Federal Agencies

Steve Horn DeSmog
As DeSmog has previously reported, the Trump transition team was loaded with Koch-tied operatives, many from the Institute for Energy Research, a Koch-funded group which helped carve out the Trump White House's energy policy. Mike Catanzaro, a former Koch lobbyist, serves as Trump's top White House energy aide.

Right-Wing Billionaires Have a Project Going to Rewrite Our Constitution

Thom Hartmann AlterNet
Their goal appears to be to put into the Constitution specific prohibitions against any programs (from Social Security to Medicare to food stamps) that they've always viewed as "unconstitutional socialism," and to permanently enshrine in the Constitution the "right" of corporations and billionaires to own politicians and spend unlimited monies to influence elections and ballot measures. I

From Bad to Worse for Puerto Rico

Joseph E. Stiglitz and Martin Guzman Project Syndicate
The plan by the oversight board for Puerto Rico will depress the economy further and fuel a debt spiral, in which Puerto Ricans, US taxpayers, and in the long run, even the creditors will lose

It’s Only My Health

Olivia Alperstein
I'm one of the millions who could lose access to health care if Republicans repeal the Affordable Care Act.

Trump and Russia: Shortest Reset Ever

John Feffer Foreign Policy in Focus
In Trump, the Kremlin got what it wanted — an America paralyzed by an incompetent administration at odds with more than half the country’s population.

Friday Nite Videos -- March 10, 2017

No, Ben Carson, Slaves Weren't 'Immigrants'. The State That Beat Trump's Travel Ban Is Back in Court. The Dalai Lama: John Oliver. How Jails Extort the Poor | Salil Dudani. The Doomsday Clock, Explained.

Trump Cites Fake FBI Terror Plots to Justify Muslim Ban

Chip Gibbons Rights & Dissent
Trump’s new Muslim Ban order attempts to “provide some evidence” by giving reasons for why each of the countries were targeted for the ban, as well as why he is suspending the refugee program. He proffers two incidents in which refugees were convicted on terrorism related charges. What Trump fails to disclose is that in each case the “terrorism” in question was concocted by the FBI, as part of a sting operation.