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This Is What It Feels Like to Be Hunted by Drones

Malik Jalal The Independent
I know the Americans think me an opponent of their drone wars. They are right; I am. Singling out people to assassinate, and killing nine of our innocent children for each person they target, is a crime of unspeakable proportions. Their policy is as foolish as it is criminal, as it radicalises the very people we are trying to calm down.

Sanders Allies Plot Meeting to Discuss Future of the Movement

Alex Seitz-Wald MSNBC
The progressive movement that supported Sanders existed before his campaign and will continue after it. But Sanders has expanded it and unified it in a way that creates the potential for a powerful post-election force in politics if it can retain at least some cohesion.

Prince and Politics In Reagan's America

Jordy Cummings Red Wedge Magazine
The Reaper has been busy in 2016, Prince is dead at 57 years old and only recently on the road doing a well-received solo piano tour. Looking back at nearly four decades of hybridizing rock, funk and dance music, there can be no doubt that the man was a pioneer, sonically, aesthetically and as an artist who stood up and fought back against a music industry that alienated his labour.

Friday Nite Videos -- April 22, 2016

Bernie from Brooklyn: A Conversation With Mark Ruffalo. Library Flashmob | 'Hallelujah'. Bernie Is Going All the Way. How To Help Every Child Fulfill Their Potential. Baba Brinkman | "Make It Hot".

Tidbits - April 21, 2016 - Reader Comments: Neo-Nazis in Austria; Response to 21st Century Labor Movement; Bernie, Hillary; Harriet Tubman on $20 Bill; and more...

Reader Comments: Report from Austria - Neo-Nazis Rise Again; Response to 21st Century Labor Movement from Marilyn Albert; Bernie, Hillary - Krugman, Latin American polices promoted by Secy. Clinton; Israeli Conscientious Objector; Jackie Robinson - readers correct the story; This Week in History - Celebrating the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising; Announcement - Jeremy Corbyn and the State of Working Class Politics in Britain - New York - May 26

When `Both Sides' Are Covered in Verizon Strike, Bosses' Side Is Heard More

Adam Johnson FAIR - Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting
Corporate media coverage of the Verizon strike illustrates the fundamental asymmetry of power that still exists between multi-billion-dollar corporations and comparatively small unions. Due to the support of major Democrats like Bernie Sanders and (to a lesser extent) Hillary Clinton, the voices of strikers like those at Verizon are not entirely lost, but the deck is still heavily stacked in management's favor.

Why Progressives Need a National Electoral Strategy - and Fast

Bill Fletcher, Jr. AlterNet
In the current cycle are two related but distinct problems. First, progressives have no national electoral strategy to speak of. Second, elections cannot be viewed simply or even mainly within the context of the pros and cons of specific candidates. Progressives are very divided about the relative importance of electoral politics, and our near exclusive focus on the candidates, that there is no coherent national progressive electoral strategy.

Germany: What Die Linke Should Do

Bernd Riexinger Jacobin
The German right made stunning gains in this month's regional elections. The Left must rise to the challenge. We spend too much time speaking to people instead of with them, we make too many promises to do something for others instead of inviting them to get active themselves, to fight and organize with us.