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Did Indiana Autoworkers Strike a Blow Against Two-Tier Contracts?

David Moberg In These Times
Roughly 20 to 25 percent of all union contracts have recently contained some kind of two-tier payment. Such arrangements, often made in response to threats of plant closures or job losses, can turn into strategies for long-term suppression of wages. They can also generate conflict and resentment among workers making vastly different amount of money and undermine solidarity.

Arms Trade Treaty Gains Momentum with 50th Ratification

Joel Jaeger IPS
So far, 121 countries have signed the treaty, and 154 voted in favor of its adoption in April 2013 in the General Assembly. The successful entry into force of the ATT will be a big win for arms control campaigners and NGOs, who have been fighting for the regulation of the arms trade for more than a decade.

Thousands Charged With Drug Possession Walk Free, Leaving Taxpayers With the Tab

Angela Caputo Chicago Reporter
Drug possession is the No. 1 reason people were in Cook County Jail last year. That’s been the case for the better part of the past decade. Since 2006, people have been booked and released more than 100,000 times for possession, according to jail records. And during that same time period, taxpayers have spent $778 million jailing people on the lowest-level possession charges.

Stone Age Groups Made Similar Toolmaking Breakthroughs

Alison Abbott Nature
Different palaeolithic populations around the world might have developed a crucial toolmaking skill independently. No mysterious migration required to explain how chipping technique appeared in different continents.

Congressional Democrats Demand End to Child Labor in Tobacco Fields

Press Release U.S. Rep. David Cicilline (D-R.I.)
This week 35 Congressional Democrats demanded the Obama Administration act to protect children laboring on U.S. tobacco farms. The U.S. Representatives announced their support for a letter to Labor Secretary Thomas Perez September 23rd from U.S. Representatives David Cicilline (D-RI) and Matt Cartwright (D-PA), calling for the Department of Labor to close the loophole in U.S. labor law Labor which allows children over the age of 12 to work in tobacco fields.

Israel Outsources West Bank Security to "Uncontrolled Militias"

Yossi Gurvitz, for Yesh Din +972 Magazine
A new report from Yesh Din, Volunteers for Human Rights, denounces the Israel Defense Force's (IDF) privatization of law enforcement in the occupied territories. The Israeli Human Rights group accuses the IDF of transferring the power to arrest, search, question, and detain West Bank Palestinians to settler militias "who are motivated by an aspiration to seize additional Palestinian land and who refuse to recognize Palestinian land rights.".

The Secret Goldman Sachs Tapes

Michael Lewis Bloomberg View
The Fed encourages its employees to keep their heads down, to obey their managers and to appease the banks. That is, bank regulators failed to do their jobs properly not because they lacked the tools but because they were discouraged from using them.

The NFL’s Concussion Problem Still Has Not Gone Away

Jason M. Breslow PBS
Over the past two seasons, 306 players have suffered a combined 323 concussions, according to team injury reports. As Concussion Watch kicks off for a third straight season, 15 players have already been added to the list for head injuries from the preseason and Week 1.

Sugar Substitutes Linked to Obesity

Alison Abbott Nature
Researchers noted a correlation between clinical signs of metabolic disorder — such as increasing weight or decreasing efficiency of glucose metabolism — and consumption of artificial sweeteners. The findings could cause a headache for the food industry.