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Is America Evolving on Evolution?

Sean B. Carroll Scientific American
As we celebrate Darwin’s birthday on February 12, there is some positive news about Americans’ views

Did Nonviolence Fail in Egypt?

Mark Engler and Paul Engler Waging Nonviolence
As a whole, the people of Egypt opted for unarmed mass demonstrations over joining a guerrilla struggle because they believed strategic nonviolence was the more practical and effective means of ousting the heavily militarized Mubarak regime. The past six months, which have hardly served to weaken the army’s hand, suggest that the tactical judgment of nonviolent revolutionaries carried considerable wisdom.

Friday Nite Videos -- Feb 21, 2014

Ellen Page at Time to Thrive. Flashmob: Ravel's Bolero. Truthful Tuesdays in South Carolina. 'Ew!' with Jimmy Fallon, Will Ferrell & First Lady Michelle Obama. Carolina Slim -- Every Day I Have the Blues.

Anti-Nuke Activists Get Years Behind Bars While 'Real Crime' Continues

Andrea Germanos, Common Dreams staff writer Common Dreams
Injustice in Knoxville - Anti-war trio took part in plowshares action in 2012 at the Y-12 Highly-Enriched Uranium Manufacturing nuclear weapons production facility. An 84-year old nun and two others were just sentenced to up to five years in jail.

Volatility in Sports, Climate and Politics

Clifford D. Conner Portside
The reality of anthropogenic climate change is hardly an issue among climate scientists any more, but the spinmeisters on the payroll of the oil industry keep it alive in the "national conversation." One of their standard gambits is to point to record cold weather, as occurred this winter in much of the United States, and chortle, "What warming?"