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Declining value of the federal minimum wage is a major factor driving inequality

Lawrence Mishel Economic Policy Institute
Contrary to some political rhetoric of late, wage stagnation for American workers and rising inequality is not due to lack of effort; the broad middle class has increased its productivity, upgraded its educational attainment, and worked more hours. Rather it is due to certain policies that have weakened the bargaining position of low- and middle-wage workers. Among these policies is the refusal to set a the minimum wage at an enforceable 50 percent of the average wage.

Palestinian Prisoners Stage Fast Over Inmate Death

BBC News
Thousands of Palestinian prisoners are refusing food for one day in protest at the death of a fellow detainee, Arafat Jaradat. Palestinians said an autopsy performed on Sunday revealed signs of torture. Mr Jaradat's death comes after a week of violent clashes between the Israeli army and Palestinian youths over the continued detention of four hunger strikers. The number of inmates on open-ended hunger strike had climbed to 11 from four.

Oscar Nominee ‘The Invisible War’ Hits DC Hard

Patrick Gavin Politico
Of the five documentaries nominated for the Academy Awards on Thursday, no film hits Washington more directly than “The Invisible War,” which looks at sexual assault in the U.S. military. It didn't win the Oscar Sunday night.

What’s the Matter With Vermont?

Helena Rho Slate
A pertussis vaccine became available in the 1940s, and incidence of the infection dropped from around 200,000 per year to barely over 1,000 by 1976. But today the United States is in the middle of a pertussis epidemic. The states with the most cases per capita are Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Vermont.

A Moderate but Meaningful Step to Tackle Inequality

Carl Bloice Black Commentator
steps being taken in a number of countries where despite economic advances, inequality continues to grow, and where policy makers have decided that one way (not the only way) to even things out a bit is to legislate a rise in the minimum wage.

A March, A Concert, A Cooperative

By Willie Osterweil Sharable
Over a series of meetings decided that they wanted to keep the factory running, using worker’s democracy and horizontal control.

Tidbits - February 21, 2013

Published by Portside
The life and work of Jon Fromer; Readers comments on Movements Making Noise; Eslanda Robeson; Roots of Poverty; Gangster Bankers; Climate Rally; The Rise of the Permanent Temp Economy; three NYC events - Film Screening - Nothing But A Man; Book Party for Henry Foner; China in Revolt: A Roundtable; video announcement - Building On-The-Job Organizing Networks