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Putin and Xi Show United Front Amid Rising Tensions With U.S.

Anton Troianovski and Steven Lee Myers New York Times
President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia and President Xi Jinping of China, meeting in a video summit, sought mutual support in their conflicts with the West but have not yet declared a formal alliance.

2022 Brings Hope for State and Local Broadband Progress

Jed Pressgove Governing
While states and localities still have a long way to go toward getting everyone access to high-speed Internet, efforts at all levels of government, and especially federal funding, promise positive progress.

Please Do Not Just Go Get Omicron

Please Do Not Just Go Get Omicron Vice
For vaccinated and otherwise healthy people, it may seem tempting to live a normal life and get Omicron over with. Here are some reasons why you shouldn't.

Book Review: ‘We Will Remain Standing on This Land and Teach’

Nina Shoman-Dajani Organizing Upgrade
Palestinians living under occupation and those of us in the diaspora do not lose our love for our land as the grip of apartheid gets tighter — our determination to go back home and to stay on our land only increases.