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Inside the Pandora Papers

Chuck Collins Nation of Change
A massive data leak includes explosive revelations about the hidden wealth system, including the U.S. role as a magnet for kleptocratic funds.

From Revolution to Reformism

Adam Przeworski Boston Review
Leaders of the left abandoned the language of transformation in the 1980s—at a cost. Can it be regained?

Left Labor Project, New York City Closing Statement

Left Labor Project Portside
Left Labor Project, a New York City collective of labor activists , recently decided to dissolve after months of declining activity. We didn’t want to just disappear without sharing our experience and views with the broader community of organizers.

Creating a Powerful, Broad-Based Moral Movement

Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis, Rev. Dr. William Barber II, Reverend Jesse Jackson, Sarah Anderson The Progressive
The movement for voting rights and economic justice must help people understand that voter suppression is not just a “Black issue.” King explained how the white upper-class “aristocracy” weaponized suppression to undercut multiracial alliances.

The Eviction Moratorium Saved Lives

Matthew Desmond New York Times
Did the moratorium prevent evictions? Did it promote public health? The answer to both of those questions is a resounding yes. The eviction moratorium was among the most important public health interventions of the pandemic. It saved lives...