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Friday Nite Videos | September 24, 2021

The Fight Over Masks in Schools | Jordan Klepper. Peace Train Featuring Yusuf / Cat Stevens. Bernie Sanders Takes on Fossil Fuel Lobby. Dutch Neanderthal Gains a Face, With Expression. The Card Counter | Movie.

Tidbits - Sept. 23, 2021 - Reader Comments: Occupy Wall Street lessons; Joe Manchin - Fossil Fuel's Man; German elections; Thank You Conn Hallinan; Dissent on Drafting Women; Nicaragua - different perspectives; Race in Cuba; more...

Reader Comments: Occupy Wall Street lessons; Labor Upsurge in state federations; Joe Manchin - Fossil Fuel's Man; German elections; Thank You Conn Hallinan; Dissent on Drafting Women; Nicaragua - different perspectives; Race in Cuba; more....

The Power of Music and Art

Karl Paulnack Eastman School of Music
Music has a way of finding the big, invisible moving pieces inside our hearts and souls and helping us figure out the position of things inside us. Let me give you some examples of how this works.

Afghanistan and Beyond: End U.S. War-Making Everywhere

Azadeh Shahshahani In These Times
We need a reinvigorated anti-war movement. It is time to end all U.S. wars, shut down all U.S. military bases, and put an end to U.S. militarization and sanctions impacting countless people in the Global South.