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Trump Is Planning a Much More Respectable Coup Next Time

Richard L. Hasen Slate
Forget bonkers accusations about Italy using lasers to manipulate American vote totals. Expect white-shoe lawyers with Federalist Society bona fides to argue about application of the “independent state legislature” doctrine.

Friday Nite Videos | August 6, 2021

Reporter Confronts MyPillow CEO. 'Hit The Road Mitch!': Schumer's Epic Power Move Remixed. How Can We Afford Medicare for All in Massachusetts? AFL-CIO's Richard Trumka on Racism and Obama. What If the Gulf Stream Current Stopped?

Tidbits - Aug. 5, 2021 - Reader Comments: Simone Biles; Racism and GOP; KKK - Bosses Tool; Affordable Housing; Who is Calling for Cuomo's Resignation/Impeachment?; Decrease Vaccine Hesitancy; New Medicare4All Group; Syringes for Cuba Campaign Update

Reader Comments: Simone Biles; Racism and GOP; KKK - Racist and Bosses Tool; Cigna Workers; Affordable Housing; Who is Calling for Cuomo's Resignation/Impeachment?; Decrease Vaccine Hesitancy; New Medicare4All Group; Syringes for Cuba Campaign Update

The Scion - What Happened to Andrew Cuomo?

Raina Lipsitz The Nation
In the past year, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has gone from being a national media darling and fantasy presidential contender to a forlorn, scandal-plagued figure, walking the executive grounds enrobed in a blanket.

Learn from the Forests - Remembering Hiroshima and Nagasaki

H Patricia Hynes Portside
On August 6 and 9, people will commemorate the hundreds of thousands of Japanese people who died — crushed, vaporized, burned beyond recognition, poisoned by radiation — from the atomic bombs the U.S. dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945