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How Occupation Affects Maternal Healthcare in Palestine

Aisha Malik Lady Science
A history of colonialism and occupation has had dire consequences for Palestine’s women, from lack of education and access to resources about family planning to extreme physical conditions in which they must live and give birth.

The Supreme Court’s Surprising Term

Jeannie Suk Gersen The New Yorker
During a time when the country has been starkly divided on matters ranging from the pandemic to the Presidency, the Court has largely avoided partisanship.

Yes, We Should Still Defund the Police

Darryl Lorenzo Wellington The Progressive
A social safety net does a better job of achieving a more harmonious society than thousands of assault weapons and armored vehicles. Police reduction should become the American way. 

For Soviet Filmmakers, There Was No Glory in War

Greg Afinogenov Jacobin
The Soviet experience of Nazi invasion inspired many powerful works of cinema. Soviet filmmakers avoided triumphalist images of warfare, depicting the conflict as a brutal necessity that should never be repeated.