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A Planet of Viruses

Carl Zimmer pangeaprogressredux
Viruses have been a part of our lives for so long, in fact, that we are actually part virus: the human genome contains more DNA from viruses than our own genes.

Connecting the Dots Between Environmental Injustice and the Coronavirus

Katherine Bagley Yale Environment 360
People wait in line for masks and food in New York City.
Scientist Sacoby Wilson has long focused on health and environmental injustice. Here he discusses how social and environmental inequality has contributed to the outsized impact of COVID-19 on low-income neighborhoods and communities of color.

The Ever War on Terror: What on Earth Is the U.S. Doing Bombing Somalia?

Danny Sjursen Independent Media Institute
A road is blocked after al-Shabaab troops stormed an  American military base in Somalia.
In a move that will surely worsen Somalia’s slow-boiling coronavirus crisis, the Trump Administration has quietly ramped up a bombing and covert raiding campaign, a major escalation of a war Congress hasn’t declared and the media rarely reports.

Prisons Are Using the Pandemic to Impose Lockdowns

Michelle Chen The Progressive
The coronavirus pandemic is leading to “an explosion in the use of solitary confinement in prisons, jails, and detention centers.” Punitive isolation under the pretext of public health is worsening the crisis of mass incarceration.

A Mon Valley Memoir

Steve Early Portside
Lessons from the last stand of steelworkers in Homestead

Ahmaud Arbery Holds Us Accountable

Jim Barger, Jr. The Bitter Southerner
Nobody belonged to the salt marshes of coastal Georgia more than Ahmaud Arbery. His family’s roots there run more than 200 years deep. A native of those same marshes writes about who Ahmaud was and and what his community must reckon with.