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Emmy Noether and the Myth of Genius

Thomas Lewton Lady Science
Ideas about what genius is have changed through history and can change again—but can they ever become ungendered?

After International Women’s Day Mexican Women Plan Historic Strike

Isabella Cota OpenDemocracy
Mexico City protest against gender-based violence against women.
In Mexico, thousands are expected to march in celebration of International Women’s Day, March 8. One day later, millions of Mexicans will be called upon to support the country’s first all-women labor strike to demand an end to gender-based violence.

Will Major Networks Cover the Climate Crisis in 2020 Elections?

Mark Hertsgaard Columbia Journalism Review
South African school children hold placards denouncing climate crisis denialism.
The climate crisis, one of the top stories of the 2020 election, cries out for in-depth coverage by the big three networks. But in 2019 less than 1 out of every 100 network news stories talked about the problem that could end life as we know it.

Resistance and Devotedness: Learning Democracy Under Pressure

Kitti Baracsi Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung
Resistance by a school community, albeit sometimes fleeting, and devotedness, can change children's education. And what better way could there be of learning democratic resistance than local initiatives adopting a solidarity-based approach?

The Political Elite vs Bernie

Joseph B Atkins Labor South
Bernie Sanders stands alone now, save for his grassroots army, and facing him are the politically elite of the Democratic Party, both black and white, Wall Street, and the corporate media

Rudy’s Coup at Foggy Bottom

Bob Dreyfuss Tom Dispatch
Since 2017 Rudy Giuliani has emerged as Trump’s shadow secretary of state with his hands in American foreign policy and politics from Iran to Russia, Turkey to Ukraine and beyond