In Iraq, if you go out into the streets to protest, you’re risking your life. But it’s better to die than to live like this, the protesters say. We met with the young men and women fighting for a new Iraq.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the youngest woman ever elected to Congress, did not come to play by the old rules – and she has pushed the party to the left
How America Is Causing Global Obesity. Bohemian Rhapsody (Donald Trump Cover). The Green New Deal's 10 Year Vision. Trump Melts Down at Rally After Getting Impeached. The Black Hole Image That Made History.
Reader Comments: Impeachment - GOP Stirrings, Trump Sanity, Racism and First Impeachment, Mormon Women; Tulsi Gabbard; Resource - Year of White Racist Terrorism; Witness at the Border-Brownsville TX; Poor People’s Assembly and March-Washington, DC;
What draws younger voters, and particularly younger Jews, to Sanders’s candidacy is precisely what repels older voters — even, or perhaps especially, older Jewish left-wingers. What for young Jews are sources of identification and pride...
Imagine a transit system where there are no turnstiles, minimal police presence because cops aren’t lurking around to enforce fares. Picture a subway and bus network that is free, open and functional because those who profit most from it pay for it.
Warren, is a beneficiary of the opening Sanders helped carve for capitalist–critical aspirants to America’s top office. She and Sanders, both enemies of Big Business, are among the top candidates shows how much the politics of capitalism has changed
The climate crisis has long been escalating. We’ve reached a new level of existential threat. Now, some elements of the right wing are using the crisis to advance eco-fascism—an ideology that sees climate change migrants as a threat to “our America.
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