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Ocasio-Cortez Unveils 'Just Society' Program

Jessica Corbett Common Dreams
"It's a visionary plan that makes moral and economic sense, and most importantly, is informed by what's moving in communities all around the nation."

Trump Can’t Get Away With It Anymore

Sam Stein The Daily Beast
Though some Trumpworld figures may believe otherwise, House Democrats are not bluffing in their impeachment push. They are firm in their desire to see it done and to see it done with as much pain applied to the president as they can muster.  

Friday Nite Videos | September 27, 2019

Greta Thunberg Rips World Leaders at UN Over Climate. The Weight | Featuring Robbie Robertson. Trump Off the Rails. Elizabeth Warren's Anti-Corruption Plan. Don't Waste an Impeachment.

Sanders and Warren: The Need For a Progressive Front

The Organizing Upgrade Editorial Collective Organizing Upgrade
We believe that base building groups should assert themselves in the primary process and we believe firmly that the different decisions groups reach to endorse either Sanders or Warren should not produce irresolvable contradictions.