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5 Reasons for Workers to Celebrate This Labor Day

Rebecca Burns Working In These Times
The U.S. labor movement is under siege by powerful anti-union forces, including the Trump administration. But with approval of unions at a 15-year high, and a wave of labor militancy on the rise, working people have plenty to celebrate.

Friday Nite Videos | August 30, 2019

The CEO Helping to Burn the Amazon for Profit. Movie | Official Secrets. The History of the Universe in the Blink of an Eye. Enron - The Biggest Fraud in History. Climate Activist Greta Thunberg, 16, Arrives in NY After Sailing the Atlantic.

Tidbits - Aug. 29, 2019 - Reader Comments: Sanders Political Revolution; Global Authoritarianism; Immigrant Workers; Jews Disloyal; David Koch; Puerto Rico; Kashmir; Neoliberalism; Socialist Labor Activism; Climate Strike; Fall Calendar;

Reader Comments: Sanders Political Revolution; Global Authoritarianism; White Supremacy and Terrorism; Immigrant Workers; Jews Disloyal ?!?; David Koch; Puerto Rico; Kashmir; Neoliberalism; Socialist Labor Activism; Climate Strike; Fall Calendar;

Kashmir Women are the Biggest Victims of This Inhumane Siege

Adnan Bhat Al Jazeera
Sense of fear deepens as Indian politicians stoke misogyny with talk of freedom to marry 'white-skinned' Kashmiri women. At present everyone in Kashmir is being immensely subjugated. But women are the biggest victims of this inhumane siege.

Global Left Midweek - August 28, 2019

Saving the Amazon, Global Climate Strike, Corbyn vs Boris, Women in Sudan, Papua Protests, Kashmir Solidarity, Russia Stirs, Luciana Castellina, Two Views on Hong Kong