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Stunning that Amazon’s Groundbreaking Union Vote is in Alabama

David Sher
With the formidable pressure on Amazon, the new Democratic control in Washington, D.C. , and the unique circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic, the progressive current of Alabama's labor history may bode well for the union election at the tech giant.

John Sweeney Was Our Era’s Most Influential Labor Leader

Bill Fletcher Jr. and Fernando E. Gapasin Jacobin
John Sweeney
The late AFL-CIO leader John Sweeney was an admirable figure who had a vision for reinvigorated US labor unions. But he only tried to reform a union movement that needed a more fundamental refoundation.

Surveillance, Stress, and No Bathrooms: Life as an Amazon Driver

Jake Alimahomed-Wilson Labor Notes
The Amazonification of logistics has created a new group of highly exploited workers: delivery drivers. Amazon itself increasingly relies on an expanding network of subcontracted drivers and independent contractors to deliver packages.

Remembrance of John Sweeney, Former SEIU and AFL-CIO President

Jon Hiatt OnLabor
Both at SEIU and the AFL-CIO, President Sweeney felt a particular responsibility to those workers most exploited, most vulnerable, and historically most ignored or worse by organized labor. In my opinion, this was his most important legacy.