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The Labor Movement We Need to Win the Future We Want

Tanya Wallace-Gobern and Steven Pitts The Forge
Unions must root out the racism within their ranks, then leverage relationships members have in their own communities and focus on transforming the lives of workers, both inside and outside the workplace.

Trade Unions Need New Strategies

Asbjørn Wahl The Bullet
It is not difficult to understand what employers are after. They want to abolish the welfare state, to privatize and corporatize ever bigger parts of our economies and societies, and to defeat the trade union movement.

Organized Labor and the “Cold Civil War”

Bill Fletcher, Jr. & Jose Alejandro La Luz
The present is explosive because of the fusion of crises. In this situation, organized labor has been inconsistent; sometimes paralyzed; other moments outspoken. Left unaddressed is the "cold civil war," created by political polarization.

AFSCME, NAACP Launch Historic Partnership to Mobilize Black Voters

rtmadminadw Atlanta Daily World
AFSCME, NAACP launch historic partnership to mobilize Black voters. This partnership kicks off with a joint four-state presidential radio buy on African American radio stations in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan and North Carolina.

Striking in the Coronavirus Depression

Jeremy Brecher Labor Network for Sustainability
This article is part of a series on how workers are organizing in response to COVID-19 and the COVID-19 Depression.