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Organizing Railroad Track Workers in Yuma last week….

Carey Dall Stansbury Forum
Like most union workers, railroaders have been slammed with escalating health insurance costs – a reality lost on many Democratic Party candidates, we learned from the debates, who mistakenly think union members are in love with their employer-based

Some Labor Unions Split with Biden on 'Medicare for All'

Alice Miranda Ollstein Politico
Labor leaders dispute candidates’ claims that single-payer will leave their members worse off. Unionists would benefit from a system that guarantees comprehensive benefits and takes health care out of labor negotiations.

Why Eugene Scalia is the Wrong Person For the Job

Heidi Shierholz, Lynn Rhinehart, and Celine McNicholas Economic Policy Institute
Working women and men need and deserve a Secretary of Labor to protect them from unscrupulous employers, set strong health and safety standards, and safeguard their retirement security. Eugene Scalia is not that person.

The New Servant Class

Derek Thompson The Atlantic
“Wealth work” is one of America’s fastest-growing industries. It includes full-time retail and service jobs at nail salons and spas, as well as that nebulous network of people contracted through through driving, delivery and other online services.