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Class Brought to Life

Nicole Aschoff Jacobin
The dominant neoliberal consensus today is that class, race, and gender are just issues of identity. The dominant narrative claims that none of them are structural forces worth bemoaning. None of them have the power to determine our life chances if we don’t want them to. To the contrary, it is the invisibility of the structural dimensions of class, race, and gender that defines current social relations of power

Teachers Unions Turn Against Democrats

Jonathan Chait New York Magazine
How will the clash over education reform between neoliberal democrats and teachers unions play out in the presidential elections?

UK's Largest Union Backs Boycott of Israel

Jerry Lewis Jerusalem Post
The largest Union in Britain, UNITE, endorsed a call to Boycott, Divest and Enact Sanctions (BDS) against Israel, because of its treatment and occupation of Palestine. Another article explains the BDS movement.

Biggest Strike in Three Years Sparks Furore Over Tory Plan for Ballot Law

Matthew Taylor, Rowena Mason and Steven Morris The Guardian
Rallies, marches and picket lines were held at schools, council offices and town and city centres across Great Britain and Northern Ireland as public workers protested decline living standards, working conditions and a threat to their right to strike.

Face of U.S. Unions Shifting More to Public-Sector Workers, Women

Tom Raum The Detroit News (Associated Press)
A majority of union members today now have ties to a government entity, at the federal, state or local levels. Roughly 1-in-3 public-sector workers is a union member, compared with about 1-in-15 for the private-sector workforce. The typical union worker now is more likely to be an educator, office worker or food or service industry employee rather than a construction worker, autoworker, electrician or mechanic. Far more women than men are in unions.

Next NEA leader's first task: Win back public

The new president of the largest teachers union in the country will become the voice of roughly 3 million teachers at perhaps the most critical moment in the National Education Association’s history. First item on the agenda: Win back the public.

Next NEA leader's first task: Win back public

The new president of the largest teachers union in the country will become the voice of roughly 3 million teachers at perhaps the most critical moment in the National Education Association’s history. First item on the agenda: Win back the public.

"The Mission of Socialism is Wide as the World"

Eugene V. Debs. Marxist Internet Archive
On the 4th of July people tend to think back about the history of this country. Here is a little bit of Labor history in the form of a speech by Eugene Debs on July 4, 1901. Debs was a founder of the American Railway Union and the Socialist Party. In 1920, while in prison for opposing World War 1, he received 915,000 votes for President, running as a Socialist.

Supreme Court Rules Disadvantaged Workers Should Be Disadvantaged Some More

Harold Meyerson The American Prospect
Even without repealing Abood, today’s court decision is plenty catastrophic. It will put financial limits on unions’ campaigns to organize two of the fastest-growing categories of American workers—those who care for the elderly and the sick, and those who care for small children