Bakari Sellers is one of the most promising activist political leaders in Southern, and perhaps national politics. "“I’ve geared my life towards understanding who I am and fighting against systemic oppression and injustices,” he says.
Greg Tate explores the shifting struggles for black equality – and identity – presented in the Swedish television archives (filmed from 1967 - 1975) originally released as a film in 2011 and currently streaming on Amazon Prime and YouTube.
As a culinary historian, Lavada Nahon is working to bring the state’s African American history to light. “There’s a lot of under-told stories in Black history,” Nahon says.
The Great shares a broadly similar style and subject with The Favorite, though it is neither as dark nor as committed to factual accuracy. The series shows the grotesque royal court life of Empress Catherine II of Russia, aka Catherine the Great.
California poet Jacki Rigoni responds to the phrase social distancing, just added to the dictionary in March, and how much we were doing without naming it.
With the mass outcry over the cop murders of George Floyd and so many other African Americans, it's worth reprising the review of a key 2017 book that sees even beyond defunding police to challenging the actual role of law enforcement in society.
Jamal Eric Watson
Diverse: Issues In Higher Education
In the wake of our current upsurge against racism in policing and in our society generally, this book, published late last year, has emerged as a top Amazon bestseller.
The decision to hold “Live PD” and “Cops” comes as protests over police brutality continue across the nation following the killing of George Floyd by Minnesota police officers
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