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The Truth About Big Chicken

Karen Perry Stillerman Serious Eats
When “sustainability” includes social justice, most US chicken gets a failing grade.

Debt Collectors: We Should Be Able to Break Your Legs

David Sirota Jacobin
The $13 billion debt collection industry is funneling huge amounts of cash to lawmakers in a bid to kill legislation that would finally put some limits on their predatory business model.

Neanderthals Carb Loaded, Helping Grow Their Big Brains

Ann Gibbons Science
Molecular anthropologist Christina Warinner, graduate student James Fellows Yates, and a large international team looked at the oral bacteria stuck to the teeth of Neanderthals and preagriculture modern humans that lived more than 10,000 years ago.

The Palestinian Body Is Whole Once Again

Mahmoud Muna Mondoweiss
Palestinians disconnected from each other have struggled immensely to maintain a national project with clear objectives. Now, struggling together across the entire geography of historic Palestine, the Palestinian body is coming back together.