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The Carceral Force of Prosecutor Associations, Explained

Angela J. Davis The Appeal
District attorney associations have been a powerful force in the criminal legal system for decades. They have used their power and influence to increase the power of prosecutors, maintain and grow the carceral state, and shut down reform efforts.

The Murder Chicago Didn’t Want to Solve

Mick Dumke ProPublica
On Feb. 26, 1963, Ben Lewis, the first Black elected official from Chicago’s West Side, won what was set to be his second full term on the City Council -- perhaps next stop Congress. Two days later, Lewis was found shot to death in his ward office.

To Honor Black History, Fund Our Front-Line Heroes

Lee Saunders and Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II AFSCME.medium
Through their work in public education, public transit and public health, millions of African Americans have been able to provide for their families and strengthen their communities. But without federal aid now those jobs are on the chopping block.

Sanders Warns Biden About Attack on Syria

Bret Wilkins Common Dreams
"Our Constitution is clear that it is Congress, not the president, who has the authority to declare war," the senator asserted.