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Faces Places | Movie

Agnès Varda's recent academy award nominated film Faces Places, starring Jean-Luc Godard, JR, and Laurent Levesque. For an obituary of the influential New Wave filmaker, who died last week, see here. Her 1968 short on Huey Newton and the Black Panthers can be viewed here.

Behind the Doodle: Celebrating Johann Sebastian Bach

Google celebrated the renowned German composer and musician Johann Sebastian Bach with their first ever AI-powered Doodle. The Doodle is an interactive experience that encourages players to compose a two measure melody of their choice. The Doodle then uses machine learning to harmonize the custom melody into Bach’s signature music style. More on the promise and risks of AI.

Friday Nite Videos | April 5, 2019

Trevor Noah Interviews Bernie Sanders. Behind the Doodle: Celebrating Johann Sebastian Bach. You Won’t Believe What Obama Says in This Video! Faces Places | Movie. Attorney General Barr Is Caught in a Double Mueller Bind.

Keywords That Reinforce Class Control

Oliver Eagleton Counterfire
Carrying on from Raymond Williams' Keywords, the classic study of capital's appropriation of words for its own ends, the book under review looks at contemporary linguistic usage that serves and reinforces dominant class interests.

As EU Elections Approach, Europe Confronts a Cliff

Conn Hallinan Foreign Policy in Focus
With the hard right running left and the center-left abdicating, Euroskeptics could accelerate a continent-wide crisis. Global migration is on the rise as climate change drowns coastlines, river deltas and drought drives people out of arid climates.