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Tidbits - September 5, 2013

Reader Comments: NBC Nightly News Report - Grassroots Opposition to Military Action Against Syria; AFL-CIO and ILWU; March on Washington; 40th anniversary of Chile coup; Announcements: No one should die for fashion - Sept 6-New York; Veterans For Peace Speak Out-New York-Sept 9; #femfuture Retreat-Oct. 20 - 22 - Rhinebeck, NY - Scholarships Available; Sept 21st: Draw the Line against Keystone XL; Chilean posters-1970-73 Exhibit-New York-Sept. 23; STOP WARS - Yard sign

"Horton" Hears a Stampeding Judicial Amendment

Ann C Hodges and Ellen Dannin, Truthout News Analysis Truthout
The National Labor Relations Act protects the right of employees to join together to improve their working conditions. The collective power of union membership is designed to balance the power of employees with that of employers, who can increase their power by incorporating or forming partnerships. Employees can also be more powerful together by filing class action lawsuits to enforce their rights under employment laws other than the NLRA.

GOP Dreads Prospects of Autoworkers Union Driving South

Erik Schelzig, The Associated Press The Seattle Times
Discussions between the United Auto Workers union and a Tennessee Volkswagen plant have raised fears among Southern politicians that union representation would deter businesses - and badly needed jobs - from coming to their respective states.

Walmart Workers Protest over Minimum Wage in 15 US Cities

Karen McVeigh The Guardian (UK)
In 15 cities today, Walmart workers and their supporters are staging their biggest day of action since the groundbreaking "Black Friday" strike in November. They are demanding that Walmart reinstate 20 workers they say were fired for taking part in a June strike, and they are calling on Walmart to end its poverty-level wage scale and pay a living wage. (Mike Hall, AFL-CIO Now)

US Bombing Will Prolong War, Reasons Against US Military Intervention, US Already Involved

Juan Cole, H Patricia Hynes, Nicolas J.S. Davies
Obama's plan to bomb Syria with cruise missiles will do nothing to hasten the end of the conflict. Instead, it will likely prolong it. The US couldn't end the Iraqi civil war despite having over 100,000 boots on the ground. It is highly unlikely that Washington can end this one from 30,000 feet. The "limited" Tomahawk Cruise missile strikes with "no boots on the ground" are quickly expanding to "a broader strategy" to arm and strengthen opposition rebels.

The Activist

By Kurt Chandler Milwaukee Magazine
No stranger to protest, the head of Voces de la Frontera, Christine Neumann-Ortiz, has put herself and her organization at the center of one of the most bitter labor disputes in recent Milwaukee history. Can she win?

On Syria, a U.N. Vote Isn’t Optional

By Oona A. Hathaway and Scott J. Shapiro New York Times
The question Congress and Mr. Obama must ask now is whether employing force to punish Mr. Assad’s use of chemical weapons is worth endangering the fragile international order that is World War II’s most significant legacy.