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The King

Mike Luckovich

Organized Labor's Decline in the US is Well-known. But What Drove it?

Richard Wolff The Guardian
To reverse organized labor's decline and to rebuild the left requires either reviving the old New Deal coalition or forming a new comparably powerful alliance. That means confronting and outwitting the long demonization of unions and the left....More importantly, it requires a strategy to reposition labor unions and their allies as champions of broad social gains for the 99%.

Report on the 1st Congress of SYRIZA, and Text of Political Resolution

Yiannis Bournous Transform!
In a press release after the end of the Congress, Alexis Tsipras stated: “The founding Congress of SYRIZA constitutes a big step, a historical landmark for the Greek Left and for democracy. Approximately 3500 delegates from all over Greece sealed the birth of the new political subject. With an open and lively democratic debate. ...To stop social destruction and rebuild Greece”.

"Where the Papers At?"

Communication Workers of America Communication Workers of America
Cablevision workers from Brooklyn, invited by the National Action Network to perform at the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, took the stage with their latest rap, "Dear Mr. Dolan: Where The Papers At?" It's a call for fairness from the company that has refused to bargain a fair contract for the 280 workers.

Which Syrian Chemical Attack Account Is More Credible?

Jim Naureckas Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, Fair Blog
The government account expresses "high confidence that the Syrian government carried out a chemical weapons attack" on August 21. The Mint report (Mint Press News) bore the headline "Syrians in Ghouta Claim Saudi-Supplied Rebels Behind Chemical Attack." Which of these two versions should we find more credible?