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Arkansas Adopts a Ban on Abortions After 12 Weeks

By Erik Eckholm New York Times
Arkansas adopted what is by far the country’s most restrictive ban on abortion on Wednesday — at 12 weeks of pregnancy, when a fetal heartbeat can typically be detected by abdominal ultrasound.

On the Legacy of Hugo Chávez

Greg Grandin The Nation
After the last presidential ballot - which Chávez won with the same percentage he did his first election yet with a greatly expanded electorate - even his opponents have admitted, despairingly, that a majority of Venezuelans liked, if not adored, the man.

It’s Time to Tax Financial Transactions

Katrina vanden Heuvel The Washington Post
On Friday at midnight, the sequester kicked in, triggering $85 billion in deep, dumb budget cuts that sent “nonessential personnel”— such as air traffic controllers — packing.

The 'War on Women' Isn't Over Yet

Leslie Durgan
Despite the election results, efforts are still underway to restrict US women's access to healthcare and contraception

Will the Next Pope Embrace Liberation Theology?

Mark Engler Dissent
Will the next pope embrace liberation theology? The conventional answer would be: fat chance. However, without going too far out on a limb, one could also answer in the affirmative. In their own ways, both responses will likely be correct.

We Are Bradley Manning

Chris Hedges Truthdig
Manning will surely pay with many years—perhaps his entire life—in prison. But we too will pay. The war against Bradley Manning is a war against us all.