Rich countries contribute an average of $14,000 per year for a toddler’s care, compared with $500 in the U.S. The Democrats’ spending bill tries to shrink the gap.
Lawrence Wittner and Joseph Mangano
History News Network
Still present today - strontium-90 from nuclear tests was transmitted from the grass, to cattle, to milk, and finally to human bodies — with special concern as it built up in children’s bones and teeth.
Reader Comments: Afghanistan & Vietnam; COVID-19 and children; Rich Trumka Remembered; Ben & Jerry's and anti-BDS laws; Berlin Wall; Stanley Aronowitz; You Can Help - Haiti Emergency Relief Fund; lots of announcements; more....
But children also burn out fast. Their high metabolisms make them particularly vulnerable to stunted growth and disease if they don’t get the calories they need.
The U.S. now has an average of about 129,000 new COVID-19 cases per day, a rate that has doubled in a little over two weeks, and an average of 600 people are dying each day of COVID-19, double the death rate seen in late July.
If race is largely a social construct, then teaching children about it will only perpetuate racism — right? Wrong: Studies show precisely the opposite.
A world unraveling amid smoke and death and how one teacher and her students dealt with it. The pandemic served as a stark reminder of at least two things: that the nuclear family is not enough and that schools can’t be its sole safety net.
“[These companies are] here in our communities, extracting from the land, extracting from our women and just leaving us to deal with the aftermath, and they’re screaming about us.”
Chuck Marr, Kris Cox, Stephanie Hingtgen, Katie Windham and Arloc Sherman
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
These expansions would result in historic reductions of child poverty and provide timely income support for millions of people, including millions of essential workers.
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