Flooding in Pakistan is the latest in a long line of climate disasters. Now the 150,000 residents of Jackson, Mississippi were ordered to evacuate as flooding hit the city. This weekend, temperatures in California are projected to hit 115°F.
Thank the people who put their bodies on the line to block new fossil fuel infrastructure – without their grassroots embargo of the Mountain Valley pipeline, for instance, Schumer might not have had the leverage to finally coax Manchin on board.
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Only a decisive defeat of Putinism — with its toxic mix of despotism, corruption, right-wing nationalism, and devil-may-care extractivism — would offer the world some sliver of hope when it comes to restoring some measure of planetary balance.
Most schoolchildren get only an hour or two of climate education per year. It’s up to their parents to teach them optimism and action in the face of a daunting crisis.
Our new organization, Third Act, is mobilizing the generation with the most political and economic influence to fight for a working climate and a working democracy.
We can’t live without energy and we desperately do need to turn to alternatives to fossil fuels. But alternative energies are only going to be truly viable if we can also greatly reduce our energy needs, which means reconfiguring the global economy.
In a memo shared with Teen Vogue, the youth-led climate group warns Democrats to pay more attention to young voters. The memo strikes a clear tone: Stop taking us, and our voters, for granted.
"Peace will only come through accelerating the transition to renewable energy, not by trading Russian oligarchs for American oil and gas barons," said a Greenpeace campaigner.
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