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David Koch Escaped the Climate Hell He Helped Create

Brian Kahn Gizmodo
head shot of David Koch Climate change is a form of violence that will largely affect people with little power to address it or relatively little role in creating it. Death is an escape hatch for David Koch while the rest of us are left scrambling...

Why are the Crucial Questions About Hurricane Harvey Not Being Asked?

George Monbiot; Duncan Meisel The Guardian
This is a manmade climate-related disaster. To ignore this ensures our greatest challenge goes unanswered and helps push the world towards catastrophe. Not talking about climate change, and Trump's active attacks on climate science is missing a huge, crucial moment to address an enormous problem.

Friday Nite Videos -- Dec 13, 2013 (Movies)

The Egyptian Revolution Behind the Headlines. Hustlers' Convention: The Roots of Rap. Searching for Sugarman. The NSA Is Coming to Town. Rhymes With Smokey Joe.

Climate Change Denier Likely to Lead Congressional Science Committee

Christine Gorman Scientific American
Republican Party leaders in the House of Representatives will decide whether Representatives Lamar Smith of Texas, James Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin or Dana Rohrabacher of California will succeed Ralph Hall, also of Texas, as chair of the House Committee. Because of term limits, Hall cannot continue heading the group, which has jurisdiction over energy research...What follows is just a sample of the three would-be chairmen's public statements on climate change:
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