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Colombian Left May Be on the Verge of Winning Power

Andrew Willis Garcés, Andrea Parra, and Nikki Marín Baena Convergence
A popular uprising of millions. A candidate from the social movements. A broad Left electoral front. Colombia’s political ground is shifting.

Death and Displacement: A USAID Export

Victoria McKenzie and Steven Cohen NACLA
woman pouring water USAID has funded the Cerrejón Foundation, charitable arm of Cerrejón mine in Caribbean Colombia, to the tune of millions. Its community development projects are a front tied to long history of displacement, violence, and death.

Elections in Latin America in 2018: Four Cases Previewed

Nino Pagliccia teleSUR
man at polling place with mural In 2018, 12 Latin American countries from Mexico to Peru will hold elections at different levels: presidential, legislative and municipal. Of the 12 elections, seven are for their respective presidents in Costa Rica, Cuba, Paraguay, Colombia, México, Brazil, and Venezuela. What are the expectations?
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