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Was Folk Music a Commie Plot?

Mat Callahan Monthly Review
U.S. music was shaped to a considerable extent by people the government sought to destroy. Even as it mounted an effective attack on the Communist Party, the government was unable to erase the influence of musicians with which it was associated.

Left History - Gil Green: Mensch and Mentor

Michael Myerson Monthly Review
The politics Gil fought for in 1934 informed his entire life. For the thirty years following his release from prison, Gil argued against the sectarianism of the Communist Party. Countless times he said, “You can’t have a united front with yourself..

If Biden Wants to Be Like F.D.R., He Needs the Left

Jamelle Bouie New York Times
Radical agitation helped bring Social Security and much of the New Deal into being. Simply put, an ambitious, active left is one that widens the scope of reform. It’s a left that, even if you disagree with it, helps clear the pathways for action.

Fighting Evictions: The 1930s and Now

Michael R. McBrearty Monthly Review Online
The fight for housing security has already become a part of the general struggle against inequality made possible by the epochal rise of the Black Lives Matter movement.


The Southern Key: Class, Race, & Radicalism in the 1930s & 1940s

Janet Wells Greene New York Labor History Association
The Southern Key argues that much of what is important in politics and society today was largely shaped by the successes and failures of the labor movements of the 30s and 40s, notably the failures of southern labor organizing during this period.

Protest, Passion, Politics

Alam Wald Boston Review
The reissue of Vivian Gornick’s The Romance of American Communism invites a new generation to reflect on what it means to live a life of political commitment—where the passionate pursuit of justice meets organized political action.

Tidbits - June 25, 2020 - Reader Comments: Unite to Defeat Trump; Lynchings, Racial Violence; Trump's Arms Race; When So Many Police are Vets; Teachers Union: Cops Out of Schools; Labor and Police; McCarthyism and Black Freedom Movement; Roy Cohn; more

Reader Comments: Unite to Defeat Trump; Lynchings, Racial Violence; Trump's Arms Race; Problem When So Many Police are Vets; Teachers Union: Cops Out of Schools; Labor and Police; McCarthyism and Black Freedom Movement; Southern Communists; Roy Cohn;

Leon Wofsy: The Organizer (1921-2019)

Conn Hallinan and Max Elbaum People's World
Having given his first political speech when not yet a teenager, Leon at 97 worked to pass on the wisdom gained from decades of organizing and deep thought to a new generation.
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