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Devin Short Lady Science
The labor pattern ECP scientists envisioned treated the new systems as super-charged desk calculators operated by people like Snyder who, they believed, would not create new knowledge. 

Friday Nite Videos | September 25, 2020

How Trump Plans to Win No Matter What. Drive-By Truckers | 21st Century USA. RBG Crowd Greets Trump With 'Vote Him Out!'. 113 Reasons REPUBLICANS Aren't Voting for Trump in 2020. P vs. NP and the Computational Complexity Zoo.

DIY Gravitational Waves with 'BlackHoles@Home'

American Physical Society
The public will be invited to lend their own computers to help the scientific community unlock the secrets contained in gravitational waves observed when black holes smash together.

New AI Strategy Mimics How Brains Learn to Smell

Jordana Cepelewicz Quanta
Machine learning techniques are commonly based on how the visual system processes information. To beat their limitations, scientists are drawing inspiration from the sense of smell.

AI Mimics Brain Codes for Navigation

Francesco Savelli & James J. Knierim Nature
An artificial-intelligence technique called deep learning has now been used to model spatial navigation. The system develops a representation of space similar to that of the grid cells found in the mammalian brain.
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