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Ten Tips on Talking about China, Chinese People and COVID-19

Alex T. Tom Organizing Upgrade
A quick read for organizers on how to talk about China, Chinese people and COVID19. The rise of xenophobia and the onslaught of China bashing is just another right wing political and narrative strategy to deflect responsibility of COVID-19 by Trump.

Tidbits - May 7, 2020 - Reader Comments: Trump's Armed Right Militias; Failed State; Ahmaud Arbery Murdered; Trump-GOP Fascism; COVID-19; Planet of the Humans, Bill McKibben, Michael Moore; Denis Goldberg; Frida Kahlo; Puerto Rico food crisis; more

Reader Comments: Trump's Armed Right Militias; Failed State; Ahmaud Arbery Murdered; Trump-GOP Fascism; COVID-19, Capitalism, Socialism; Planet of the Humans, Bill McKibben, Michael Moore; Denis Goldberg R.I.P.; Frida Kahlo; Puerto Rico food crisis
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