Jeanne Theoharis, Alan Aja and Joseph Entin
City Limits
During the Great Depression, local, state, and federal policymakers refused to cut and invested. Doesn't the present moment call for similar visionary action for public institutions like CUNY and the people they educate for generations to come?
Reader Comments: Justice for Ahmaud Arbery; Supreme Court to Decide if Trump Above Law; Re-Open without Testing & Tracing IS Murder; Catholic Church Supports Trump; COVID and China; Federal Works Program; lots of On-Line Events and Resources; more...
"Where human rights are the compass, we will be better placed to overcome this pandemic and build resilience for the future”. This includes the right to freedom of association, and to strike, without fear of retaliation.
The nurses union SEIU 121 have also filed a complaint with the state Occupational Safety and Health Administration calling nurse Cecilia Marcos' death "the result of inadequate PPE provided to staff."
Studies of past emerging disease epidemics have taught us that testing alone will not prevent new outbreaks. To re-open the economy we must undertake the most massive effort to trace and isolate new infections in history.
Trump and His Allies Have a Plan for Protecting Themselves, Not You. Stay Home | Baba Brinkman. Spike Lee's New Short Film | New York New York. Mourning in America. Filmmaker Josh Fox Responds to Michael Moore on Bombshell Climate Film.
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