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We Are Entering a Recession – But What Did We Learn From the Last One?

Ken-Hou Lin and Megan Neely The Conversation
Government can either decide to continue the “trickle-down” approach to first protect banks, corporations and their investors with monetary stimuli, or can learn from the New Deal and provide support directly to the most fragile communities


What Workers Have Already Won in the Face of Coronavirus

Mindy Isser In These Times
Worker seen cleaning a subway station When things get dire enough, the working class fights back. In dealing with the outbreak of the coronavirus, people across the United States have organized at their workplaces, and also won major reforms in the housing sector.

Don't Let Trump Off the Hook for the Coronavirus Crisis

Alex Shephard The New Republic
In its rush to praise the president for his response to the pandemic, the press is forgetting how we got into this mess in the first place. It was Trump's choices that put us in the situation we are in now.

Coronavirus and the `Shock Doctrine'

Sam Pizzigati, Sarah Anderson OtherWords
Powerful interests used the Great Recession to hardwire more inequality into our system. This time, let's do the opposite. The coronavirus crisis also gives us an opportunity to use the public purse to shift our economy towards greater equity...


Class and the Challenge of COVID-19

Joseph A. McCartin Working-Class Perspectives
It is in our power to decide how to meet this crisis.  We could deepen divisions and set off on the fool’s errand of building “Fortress America.” Or we could use it to build community, forge solidarity, revive internationalism, renovate democracy.
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