"Having a healthcare system that's a public strategic asset rather than a business run for profit allows for a degree of coordination and optimal use of resources."
Corporate debt among non-banks exploded to $75 trillion at the end of 2019, up from $48 trillion at the end of 2009. There is increasing alarm that companies in the energy, hospitality and auto sectors won't be able to make their bond payments.
Organizers started a union drive for flight attendants at Delta last November. Uncertainty about the pandemic is stoking a desire among workers for labor protections.
Coronavirus is not only a public health crisis, it is also a shock to the global economy. Working people must demand that government act, or we and our families will pay the price for others’ lack of action, as we so often have in the past.
Six Key Issues Where Sanders Continues to Fight. Trump’s Coronavirus Address, Blooper Reel Included. Sorry We Missed You | Movie. Italy: Solidarity in Song. Katie Porter Secures Free Coronavirus Testing for All Americans.
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