Six black filmmakers discuss a 1990s boom that went bust. They talk about racism, misogyny, of being marginalized by executives who feigned interest in their work, of lacking a safety net that buoyed white peers, of 'director's jail'.
Persistently large wealth inequality leaves many African-Americans--as well as Latinos and some parts of the Asian-American communities--in a very precarious economic situation and poorly prepared for retirement.
Election board proposes shutting down seven of the nine polling locations in an overwhelmingly black rural county not long after Democrats nominated Stacey Abrams, an African American woman, as their gubernatorial candidate.
Women in low-wage jobs are particularly likely to seek and be denied pregnancy accommodations, given the physically demanding nature of many low-wage jobs and a culture of inflexibility in many low-wage workplaces.
“This sort of national effort to enhance the ability of individuals facing sex discrimination and sexual harassment to find legal help is not something that has existed before.”
Half of all new jobs in Washington, DC will require at least a bachelor's degree, although only 12.3 percent of Black residents in 2014 had graduated from college. And, now that wealthier residents have moved back to cities, rent increases have left longtime residents unable to afford their homes.
Job insecurity or job discrimination based on class, gender or race, is bad for your health. It is a perversity of work that the language of ‘risks and rewards’ is used to justify soaring boardroom pay packets and the growing income inequality at work. But the workers most frequently compelled to take genuine risks – to life, to limb, to health – are those who receive the lowest financial rewards.
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