When demonstrations erupted across the country after George Floyd's death at the hands of police officers, Donald Trump portrayed the protesters as America's enemies. But the protesters posed no threat. They're the nation's true patriots.
Trump is seeking to build social-media companies such as Twitter and Facebook into part of an authoritarian infrastructure that amplifies his power and silences the opposition.
Reader Comments: I Can't Breathe - Again; Trump Second Term Means Tyranny; Reader's Respond on Tara Reade; Open Churches?; Vietnam; Indonesia; Chile; Nuclear Testing, Nuclear Cold War - Again; Resources; Events:COVID and mass incarceration; June 20th
In a second Trump term basic legal structures will be pulverized and a fundamentally lawless regime will set about maintaining itself in power, while pretending to democratic norms
Reader Comments: Reopen or Re-Infect; The Black Plague; Voting Imperiled - Today and Remembering the 60s; Coronavirus - The Crisis This Time; Nurses Wearing Garbage Bags - Really?; The Killing Floor at Smithfield; Killing the Post Office; more...
Some say preventing the re-election of Trump isn't important. That amounts to ignoring political reality, an evasion with potentially vast consequences.
The HBO miniseries adaptation of Philip Roth's novel The Plot Against America is an opportunity for historians and the public to think about the relationship of Jim Crow to fascism
Trump Wants to Reopen America | Seth Meyers. Beatles Corvid19, I Gotta Wash My Hands! The Plot Against America | HBO 2020. Bernie Sanders Confronts GOP Senators. Naomi Klein | Coronavirus Capitalism.
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