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Michael Pollan on His 25-Year Fight With the Food Industry

Zoe Williams The Guardian
“It was the tobacco companies, under pressure from the government over smoking, that bought the food industry. So it’s a similar playbook, except now they know to burn the internal memos saying: ‘We know this food is unhealthy.’”

Friday Nite Videos | March 24, 2023

Jordan Klepper Meets Trump Arrest Protesters. De La Soul and The Roots: Stakes Is High. Western Weapons Transform the War in Ukraine. Nuclear Fusion: Who'll Be First To Make It Work? "I Almost Ended My Life Because of the Corrupt Beef Industry."

Upton Sinclair is Dead and the Food Industry has the Trump Admin. Right Where It Wants It

Alana Toulin In These Times
In an era when the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are increasingly compromised, and workers in the American food industry are often poorly paid and under-protected, advocates and commentators must consciously work to dismantle the elitism that so often surrounds cultural discussions about food in the United States.
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