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Unsaturated Fat Consumption Linked to Lower Mortality

Marge Dwyer Harvard Chan Newsletter
According to a report from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, in a large study of population followed for more than three decades, researchers found saturated fats with unsaturated fats conferred substantial health benefits.


Wanna Fix the Food System? Science Can Help

Mark Bittman
I am excited to announce my new partnership with the Union of Concerned Scientists, a team of scientists, economists and politicians working towards transforming our current food system into one that endeavors to grow food that’s healthy, green, affordable, and fair.


The Savory Science of Umami

Lynn A. Kuntz Food Product Design
In the 1980s and 90s, science rediscovered the existence of umami and in 2002 identified its taste receptor. And, as they say, the rest was history. Not only has umami been universally recognized in sensory science, it’s become the darling of professionals looking to enhance the taste of savory foods. Umami can be leveraged, not just for tastier foods, but for healthier ones.


The Puppetmasters of Academia (or What the NY Times Left out)

Jonathan Latham, PhD Independent Science News
The Times buried the real story: active collusion between the agribusiness and chemical industries, numerous and often prominent academics, PR companies, and key administrators of land grant universities for the purpose of promoting GMOs and pesticides.


Algae: It's What's For Dinner

Food Technology editors
Algae, quinoa and pulses are considered by some food technologists to be the best protein sources and strong alternatives to slow meat consumption, reduce food waste and help feed the world’s growing population.


Coke Funds Scientists for Diet Advice

Susanna Pilny World Einnews
Coca-Cola is indirectly spreading a controversial message that to lose weight, the food and beverages you consume don’t matter so much as long as you exercise.
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